Libretto P. I. Tchaikovsky 'Eugeny Onegin'13-15 Poem by Yuri Starostin

Libretto P. I. Tchaikovsky 'Eugeny Onegin'13-15

ACT II[edit]
Four scene[edit]
The ball in the Larin home. The youth dances. The older guests sitting in the groups and talking, watching the dancing men.
13. The antract and the waltz with the scene and the chorus.

Got so a surprise! Did not expect
A military music! The fun is anywhere!
Here so a long tome ago we are not eated!
The feast on the glory! Neither be true, gentlemens?
Here so a long tome ago we are not eated!
The feast on the glory. Neither be true, gentlemens?
Bravo, Bravo, Bravo, Bravo!
So got a surprise to us!
Bravo, Bravo, Bravo, Bravo!
A nice surprise for us!

We see no often in our estates
A ball cheerful joyful glitter.
The amusement is for us a hunting only,
The hunting noise and crackle are dear to us.

Oh to be fun they fly a whole day
In a thickets, a meadows, a swamps, a bushes!
Tired, lie down, then take a rest,
And here's the entertainment for the poor all ladies!

The company commander appears.The girls do surround him.

Oh, Trifon Petrovich, as you are mild, right!
We are so grateful to you!

I'm really happy!

We will dance on the glory!

I am intend too.
Let's begin to dance, then!

The dancing resumed. Among the dancers Tatiana and Onegin, attracting the attention of a ladies.

Look! Look!
Dance a slickers!

A lot of time ago should to do...

FIRST. Well, groom!

SECOND. How is sorrow for Tanya!

FIRST. Take her for a wife...

And will be a tyran!
He, hear, was a player!

End to dance, Onegin slowly passes through the hall, listening to the conversations.

He is a terrible ignoramus, out of a mind,
He's to the ladies handle is not suitable
He is pharmazon, he drinks only
By a glass a red wine!

ONEGIN (to himself) .
And here's the view!
I've heard quite
A different nasty gossip!
All this is me for an affairs!
Why did I come
On this stupid ball? Why?
I will not forgive this to Vladimir.
I will care for Olga...
That'll make him mad!
Here she is!

Onegin go to Olga. At the same time Lensky come to her.

ONEGIN (Olga) . I please you!

LENSKY (Olga) . You promised me now!

ONEGIN (Lena) . Made a mistake, that's right, you!

(Olga dances with Onegin) .

LENSKY (to himself) .
Ah, what is it!
I can't believe to an eyes! Olga!
God, what is with me...

The feast on the glory! So that is a surprise!
So that is the feed!
The fun is to anywhere!
The feast on the glory! So that is a surprise!
Did not expect a military music!
The fun is to anywhere!
Here so a long tome ago we are not eated!
The feast on the glory! Neither is true?
Bravo, Bravo, Bravo, Bravo!
So that is a surprise to us!
Bravo, Bravo, Bravo, Bravo!
Neither is true?
The glory of the feast, don't true?
Yes, a military music we never expected!
The feast on the glory! The fun to anywhere!
The feast on the glory!

Seeing that she was finished dancing, Lensky approaches. Onegin watching them from afar.

14. The scene and the couplets of Tricke.

LENSKY (to Olga) .
Do I deserve a ridicule from you?
Oh, Olga, how you are cruel to me!
What have I done?

OLGA. I do not understand what I do guilty!

All écossaise, all waltzes
you have danced with Onegin.
I asked you, but was rejected!

Vladimir, it's weird
You are angry from nothing!

How! From nothing!
Really I could indifferen to see,
When you are laughed and flirting with him?
He was leaning to you and squeezing your palm!
I've seen it all!

All this is a thrivia and a rave!
You jealous in vain,
So we chatted with him,
He is very nice!

Even cute!
Oh, Olga, you don't love me!

OLGA. How strange you are!

You don't love me! The cotillon
You dance with me?

No, do with me.
Neither be true, the word you gave me?

OLGA (to Onegin) . And I keep my word!

Lensky makes a pleading gesture.

OLGA (to Lensky) .
Here's the punishment for your jealousy!

OLGA. Never!

Olga and Onegin apart from Lensky. Meet them a lively group of the ladies are moving.

All girls going here with Triquet.

ONEGIN. Who is he?

OLGA. The Frenchman, living at the Kharlikov.

Monsieur Triquet,
Monsieur Triquet,
Chantez de gréce un couplet!

The verse I have with me.
But where is, tell me, mademoiselle?
It should be in front of me.

Here she is! Here she is!

You are here. Aha!
Voila the Queen of this day.
Mesdames, I'll be begin.
Please not interrupt me.
And cette fiete convié,
De celle dont le jour est fété,
Comtemploms la charme et la beauté.
Son aspect doux et enchanteur
Répand sur nous tous sa lueur.
De is voir quel plaisir, quel bonheur!
Que le sort comble ses désirs,
Que la joie, les jeux, les plaisirs
Fixent sur ses lévres le sourire!
Que sur le ciel de ce pays
Etoile qui toujours brille et luit,
Elle éclaire nos jours et nos nuits.
Vi rose, Vi rose Vi rose belle Tatiana!
Vi rose, Vi rose. Vi rose belle Tatiana!

Bravo, Bravo, Bravo,
Monsieur Triquet,
Yours verse is excellent
and very, very nicely sung!

What is a wonderful day,
When woke up belle Tatyana
Do in this rustic canopy!
And we came here.
The girls and the ladies and the gentlemen -
To see how she is blossomed!
We wish to be happy more,
To be forever the fairy de ces rives,
Never to be boring, sick!
And let, among their bonheurs,
She do not forget your serviteur
And all her girl friends.
Vi rose, vi rose. Vi rose belle Tatyana!
Vi rose, vi rose. Vi rose belle Tatyana!
Bravo, Bravo,
Bravo, Monsieur Triquet,
Yours verse is excellent
And very, very nicely sung!

15. The mazurka and the scene.

Messieurs, medames, lets designated to take a place!
There will now be a cotillon!

The mazurka begin. Onegin dances with Olga. Lensky is standing watch them. Finished a dancing, Onegin returns to Lensky.

You're not dancing, Lensky?
Childe Harold you're somehow!
What's wrong with you?

With me? Nothing.
I'm admiring you,
What a fine friend you are!

So what!
I did not expect this recognition!
What are you sulking about?

I'm sulking? Oh, no a few!
I admire how you turn a heads
And confuse a girls
Peace of the soul
By your words game
And by the secular chatter!
See, Tatyana is not enough for you.
To love for me, you evidently want
Olga to miss, to embarrass her peace,
And there, to laugh at her plus!
Oh, how this is honour!

What is? ! Yes you go out of a mind!

You are offend me,
And you do call me crazy!

GUESTS (surround ONEGIN and LENSKY) .
What is it? What's the matter? What is it?

You are no my friend more!
To be friends with you
I don't want more!
I... I despise you!

Here's an unexpected surprise!
What is the quarrel boiling.
Their matter do not to joke!

ONEGIN (depart Lensky to the side) .
Listen, Lensky, you're wrong!
You're wrong!
Enough for us to attract the attention by our quarrel!
I'm not confused an anyone peace more
And I admit, have no a desire to embarrass it!

Then why were you shake her alm,
Whispered something to her?
She is blushing, laughing!
What, what you said to her?

Look, this is stupid! ..
Does surrounded us

What does a matter to me?
I offended by you.
And I demand a satisfaction!

What's the matter?
Tell us, tell, what is happened?

I just require
So mister Onegin
Is explained his actions!
He doesn't want do it and I do
Ask him to accept my challenge.

Oh My God! In our home!
Spare, spare!

16. The final
In your home! In your home!
In your home, like a golden dreams,
My childhood was flowing!
I am firstly tasted in your home
The joy of a pure and light love!
But today I got know more,
I tasted that a life is not a novel,
A honor is only a sound, a friendship is a blank word,
An abusive, miserable deception,

ONEGIN (to himself) .
I am displeased with myself
Alone with my soul.
Under this timid, gentle passion, ...
I was joking careless much more!
Loving the fellow by all my heart,
I should to show myself...
Is not a ball of a prediction,
But the husband with a honor and a mind.

TATIANA. (to himself) .
I am stunning, the mind cannot
To understand Eugeny. Alarm,
The jealous miss fill me!
Oh, the anguish torn my heart.
As the cool someone's alm,
It squeeze me the heart
So painfull, cruel!

LARINA, OLGA. (to himself)
I fear that after the fun,
The night will end by the duel!

Poor Lensky! Poor young man!

I joke careless much more.

I got know here that the virgin by the beauties,
May be, soon an angel, sweet
And beautiful, as the day, but by the heart, but by the soul,
Soon a demon, insidious and evil!

TATIANA (to himself) .
Ah, I die, I die!
My heart says,
But the death from him is kind!
Die me, die me, my heart said,
To complain I do not dare, don't dare!
Ah, why complain, why complain?
Can't, can't he give me a happiness!

OLGA (to himself) .
Oh, a blood in a men is hot,
They decide from the shoulder;
They cant stay without a quarrels, ..
The soul seized in it by the jealousy,
But I'm not guilty on anything!

LARINA. (to himself) .
Ah, young men are so hot!
They decide from the shoulder;
They cant stay without a quarrels.
I'm afraid that after the revelry,
The night will end by the duel!
Young men are so hot!

OLGA LARINA (each about myself)
Will squabble, will argue- instant and to fight ready!
Well, here's your holiday
Well, that's a scandal.

ONEGIN (to himself) .
I am displeased by myself
Alone with his soul.

Under this timid gentle passion, ...
I joke careless much more!
Loving the youth by tha all heart,
I should to show myself...
Is not a ball of a prediction,
But by the ardent child, but the husband is really mature.
I am to blame!
I am displeased by myself
Alone with my soul.
Under this timid gentle passion, ...
I joke careless much more!
As an ardent boy or a fighter.
But nothing to do now.
I must respond to an offends!

Indeed now, after the revelry,
Their quarrel will end by the duel?
Oh, the blood in a men is hot,
They decide from the shoulder;
Can`not without a quarrels, ..
They are now ready to fight!
Here's your holiday!
That's a scandal!

Oh, no, you are innocent, my angel!
You're innocent, innocent, my angel
He is a low devious heartless traitor,
He will be punished!
You are innocent, my angel.
He is your low seducer
But I'll be you guardian!
Do not suffer that a debauchery man
By the fire and of a sighs, and of a praise
Was temped the youthful heart,
So the despised and poisonous worm
Is sharpened a lilei stalk
To a two morning flower
Faded even half-opened!
Oh, the traitor! Infamous seducer!

ONEGIN (approaching LENSKY)
I am to service you.
I listened to you now enough!
You are mad, you are mad!
And the lesson will serve you to remedy!

So until tomorrow!
Let's see who will punish whom!
Let the fool I am, but you,
You are infamous seducer!

ONEGIN. Shut up, or I'll kill you!

What a scandal! We will not allow
This duel never.
Simply don't allow go from a home.
Hold, hold, hold!
Yes, we just don't allow go from a home!
Don't let go.

OLGA. Vladimir, calm down, please!

Oh, Olga. Olga! Farewell forever!

Hurries go away.
GUESTS. To be the duel!

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