Lenten Reflections! Poem by Dr John Celes

Lenten Reflections!

When every time I’ve got to fast,
My hunger pangs then seizes me,
I feel so weak and terrible,
Until I eat or drink something!

When every time I make up mind
To keep away from every sin,
The Tempter comes with new techniques,
And makes me fall in sin again!

When every time I reset life,
And repent for my sins of past,
And try to lead a perfect life,
The Tempter baits me with a snare!

When every time I talk to God,
And ask His forgiveness for sins,
And make a promise not to sin,
The Tempter goads me break accord.

When every time I walk with God,
Reminded of His unique love,
And try to keep the Heaven’s road,
The Tempter makes me go astray!

When every time I suffer fall,
The Tempter laughs and mocks at me;
’Tis God who comes to lift me up,
Consoling and comforting me!

Why then should not I follow Christ,
My Savior, who died for my sins?
He brought the earth so nigh Heaven,
Welcoming sinners who repent.

Lent time is to go nearer God;
Lenten desert gives grace to souls;
Lent makes our hearts and minds purer;
Lent affords chance to gain Heaven.

Copyright by Dr John Celes 3-3-2010

Dr John Celes

Dr John Celes

Tamilnadu, India
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