Lenexa Baptist Church = Fall On Your Face Before God Poem by Tom Zart

Lenexa Baptist Church = Fall On Your Face Before God


All Christians have prayed to God like Moses
For His Sovereignty is absolute, supreme and complete.
The power of God and prayer are always linked
And He will answer our needs through victory and defeat.

When we fall on our face before God and pray
It’s usually because of hurt, fear and despair.
God will answer our needs when we clean ourselves up
By repentance, faith, fellowship and prayer.

Always stay willing to do whatever God requires
And He will use you in the most awesome fashion.
Never refuse to answer His benevolent call
And your future will be blessed by love, grace and compassion.

Remember Nehemiah when God told him to rebuild the wall
He trusted the Lord, prayed and went before his king.
He asked him for supplies and soldiers to protect and succeed
And by the power of God’s will and prayer he got everything.

How many will you meet when you arrive in Heaven?
That was you who told them about God’s will?
They changed their ways and learned to trust God
To protect provide, glorify and fulfill.


When we accurately realize that our intimacy with God
Determines the impact of our lives and attitude.
We avoid doing anything that dishonors Him
Or our own self worth, humility and gratitude.

Recognizing that God The Father knows the path ahead
Far better than any politician, preacher or teacher.
We submit ourselves to respond to His call
As we struggle to be more than a wicked creature.

Always stay mindful of what must be done
With purpose, determination, prayer and accountability.
Giving your best to provide, protect and preserve
A life of freedom, faith, love and stability.

You and I some day shall stand before God
And give an account for our actions to measure.
Never give up and walk away from His grace
Lost in a world of impureness and ungodly pleasure.

Christians have a deep hunger and yearning for Gods approval
The ultimate purpose He created us to faithfully be.
Our intimacy with God is a relationship of love and trust
The more we pray and actually listen the more we become as He.


Jesus is the salt and the light of the world
And God uses us to point the way to His Grace.
By our own conviction, purpose, faith and conversation
We impact others to escape their shame and disgrace.

God gives us our passion to spread His word
So we can make a difference in the lives of those who are lost.
Wherever we are and wherever we live
We must remain His disciples regardless of cost.

God placed us here to be His salt and light
And we must set an example by how we live.
Our testimony is our goodness of heart
And how we are willing to love and forgive.

The more we stay determined to remain truthful
The brighter the glow of our faith shall be.
It’s not our person it’s our message
That enables the blind in the darkness to see.

When we live a just life we truly make a difference
As we set an example of the power of God’s will.
We point the way to the glory of His love
And how it can transform, nourish and fulfill.


When we totally surrender our lives to God
The power of His will overrules our behavior.
Everything that Satin can ruin or destroy
Can be resurrected by Jesus our Savior.

Life on Earth is Heaven’s test of resolve
And we need to stay aggressive in our defense of the cross.
When we fail to listen and ignore God’s call
We suffer from fear, mistrust, doubt and spiritual loss.

Any who are evil hate that which is good
For they only care to practice their self-serving greed.
Christians aren’t perfect but they repent and conform
To set an example of the glory of God’s Seed.

Remember the Bible and all of its heroes
And how they made history by their need to summit.
God loves us more then we love our own selves
When we open our hearts and totally commit.

Samson was God’s man of great strength and power
Till he gave in to lust and lost his hair.
All must suffer their own ungodliness
Before they transform by faith, commitment and prayer.


When we rebel against God’s will we stumble and fall
But when we follow His path we rejoice His call.
When we thrive by serving Heaven’s partnership with man
We receive God’s grace by divine hand.

God allows us to suffer, sin, repent and transform
And He loves us despite when we’re slow to conform.
All of us are tested from the first moment we cry
By the lives we enhance before we die.

Blessings take place when we have proven our measure
When the glory of God has become our treasure.
Righteous obedience pleases our Father above
As He watches His children with concern and love.

Obedience brings froth God’s Blessings of grace
Though sometimes we can’t tell they’ve even taken place.
God teaches what is best to purify our goals
As He leads us by faith to glorify our souls.


Those who practice making Godly decisions
Always ask God to lead the way.
All who choose to live by their own preferences
Soon endure the pain of selfishness at play.

When we live by our Christian principles
Heaven awaits us after death.
When we live to fulfill our unclean pleasures
It’s Satan who shall foul our breath.

Like a blind man riding a fast horse
When we lose our purpose, we lose our grace.
No white line in the middle of a dark highway
As we swerve in the darkness of space.

King David lived both by God’s way and his
And as a result he suffered from his defiance.
God has His purpose for all to follow
And when we obey we’re blessed by compliance.

Never be afraid to get down on your knees
To ask God to answer your call.
He sees everything, even our thoughts
And He knows when we obey His Law.

Christians believe they’ll be an afterlife
For they can feel God’s presents within.
They seldom summit to anything evil
And by virtue they triumph over sin.

Jesus wants us to forgive others
And not necessarily because they deserve to be.
Nor even because He forgave us first
But because it is the glory of Thee.

By God’s Poet Tom Zart
Most Published Poet
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