Learn To Cope Poem by Mr. Poetic

Learn To Cope

Reaching out to the unkown
Wondering who you are
I need to cross the bridge of the island
But the bridge is to far

Across the bridge
There is a sea of lost souls
They are the prisoners of society
That have lost all control

There is only one bridge that you must cross
But the line is crowded and congested
I cross the bridge and return home
Now I need to relax because I am unrested

Once I cross the line I have to stand in one
The captain must ensure my safe return
But the prisoners that are in cages
Must be locked up with a key and a million turns

The sun shines when I cross the bridge
But the bridge leads to a cell
And once I enter the house of darkness
I will spend long hours in Hell

Let me free and let me cross
That is what each lost soul will say
But I must lock down the freedom fighters
And make sure that they stay

If a lost soul escapes
They must cross the water to make it home
Whenever I cross over the water
I seem to be all alone

Many caged men have tried to cross the bridge
But they all had to fail
And the blueman at the gate
Took all the lost souls back to jail

Whenever I cross a bridge
I feel like I'm on my way to a block
Where men in cages are piled high
And they scream how they hate the rock

Whenever I cross the bridge
I'm going to a forgotten island on water
Where I will lock up every person I meet
And prevent them from crossing the border

Before you cross the bridge
Make sure u show your shield
And as you cross the bridge
Watch the planes fly away from the field

And when you watch the planes
Observe how they fly free
Because once you cross the murky water
Daylight is something you won't see

Unless you patrol the island
The island that sometimes resembles Hell
And make sure the lost soul on your count
Does not escape his prison cell

Unless you are a driver
And must transport the lost souls around
But make sure the criminals return
After they see the judge in town

But those who wear blue and work inside
The time clearly goes by to slow
And sometimes when you try and break free
You get stuck and you are not permitted to go

Those who volunteer
Desparetely need money to survive
But if you go out with a bang
You sit home alone and you cry

And you wonder why you have a shield
But no one seems to hear
And when you put on your shield
You sometimes feel fear

You fear the lost souls
But you must make them fear you more
Because you have to cross the bridge
To feed your sleeping children on the shore

And the job keeps getting harder
It gets difficult to cross the bridge in the sky
And when they take away your overtime pay
It becomes harder to get by

And when you secure your post
And the criminals go wild
You look for guidance from the white shirts
But instead they reprimand you like you are a child

And when you call in sick
They make you a prisoner of your home
And if you ask the doctor for freedom
He refuses and says you are on your own

And when you are sad and depressed
They take away your shield and your gun
They demand you return to the house of darkness
Because you are not allowed to feel the warmth of the sun

When you get assaulted
When you get punched with an angry fist
When you take time off to heal
Personel puts you on a catergory list

And when you are hurt and sick
And stay home from the pain you feel
As soon as you get better and return to your post
Personnel puts you back on the wheel

And when you turn to drugs
To take away the sorrow and the pain
Administration throws you away like trash
When the drugs are discovered in your viens

And now all the new recruits that are hired
To help you get through your dark days
Turn your back on you and resign
Because the job is not worth what it pays

But still you wake each day
And you head for that bridge in Queens
And you hope after 20 years
You can gain your freedom and fullfill your dreams

But if the bridge you cross
Becomes to much to bare
Find a tunnel to pass through
Because tunnels do exist out there

Don't let that bridge
Come before your health
They're are other ways
To make a living and gain wealth

But if you must cross that bridge
Then never loose faith or give up hope
And if you can't find a warden to guide you
Hold tight to your keys and learn to COpe

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