Jesus And Other Levantine Poem by Jan Oskar Hansen

Jesus And Other Levantine

Jesus and Other Levantine
Yes, it was this thing with Jesus he didn't like the way Judaism
was preached so he set about changing it. As one can imagine
the priests of the day set in their way and receiving bribes from
the Romans to keep the peace were no too taken with this rather
talkative man who claimed he also could do miracles.
As long as he walked the countryside and spoke to the uneducated
peasants they sort of let it pass, but he went a bit far when claiming
he was God's son it all started; it was said he kept company with
whores and thieves, mocked the priesthood said they were only in it
for money; and when he saw how they sold things like overprized relics
he became angry as only a son of god can be and cast out the sellers.
The clerics called in their marker. Pontius Pilatus duly had Jesus put on
the cross. He did so with a heavy heart as rumours would have it Pontius
was gay but didn't want anyone to know. Ever since that time the Jews
have been confusion for those who cannot see the difference between
a kind Jewish carpenter and a Zionist wanting total control over us.

Tuesday, November 18, 2014
Topic(s) of this poem: poetry
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