Jacinta Poem by Will Barber


Rating: 5.0

Flee, Jacinta - to the caldera
To escape the floods -
Fly, fly away.

Miguelito, seek Jacinta
And bring her back
To the white village.

Banners fly beside the road -
Green, red, yellow, blue -
But not for Jacinta.

The mountaintop is grey,
The frogs are silent now.
Who will sing?

Miguelito, have you no words
To woo Jacinta
From her revery?



Yay, my favourite goatherd posting again! :) Atmospheric... want to go to Greece immediately. Further information by postcard please. It's atmospheric, erudite and... kind of sad. Morning Will! t x

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gone gone 03 April 2007

Will..... you're here....hooray! ! lovely work, of course.....a poignant illustration....... Love, D.

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Sean North 03 April 2007

AWSOME.....TOTALY.............. AWSOME.... SeNoR WhO WoNt SiNg.. but... WiLLheHum :) luv THIS WriTE BUnChES n BunChEs mr WILL..

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Esther Leclerc 05 April 2007

So gentle and somehow complete, yet echoing with loss........ Esther xx

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Luis Gil 09 September 2008

Innocence about to end. Like the moment when there was still hope for Pedro Páramo, just because he loved Susana San Juan so much.

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Not a member No 4 24 May 2007

Shades of Marquez and the epic sense of unreality that is sometimes evoked by writing on turbulent South American issues - since they sometimes seem to be so far removed from the narrow, mainly safe lives most of us know. Very cleverly pitched Will. Understated power lurks in this! Best, jim

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Sandra Fowler 23 April 2007

There is a certain ime out of mind quality to this poem. Somthing that once was, but can never quite be again. Very compelling, Will. Warm regards, Sandra

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Cecil (cj) Krieger 09 April 2007

Love this one Will. It is so precise in its telling with wonderful visions... a GREAT write. Best CJ

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William Jackson 07 April 2007

My favorite part of the poem is this stanza. 'The mountaintop is grey, The frogs are silent now. Who will sing? ' The caldera speaks of great violence and upheaval in the past. The banners make me think that Jacinta flees not just literal floods of the rainy season but floods of nationalistic pride, war, that threatens the lives of the young men such as Miguelito. Jacinta daydreams of a different world, and Miguelito dreams of Jacinta. Nice poem. Tell me if I've got it completely wrong.

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