It Fell Upon The Each Day Earth Poem by Danny Draper

It Fell Upon The Each Day Earth

It fell upon the each day earth, paused, and cured
‘for the longest time in half sun steeped
Lolling ticks as haematites stain bedded thorns,
Weathered seed, roots ensnared in fossil grain
Loomed ripe time's fissures and knew a time had come
Insinuated in gale wracked mangled mane
Incisors peak gleaming edacious sneer,
Set forth mycelia floss reticular, ingest,
Trample unseen storm bled troops pandemic.
Exponential bruised of light, furtive white rot
Failed fragments, revered as whole
Seeded at last, embellished factoid, a desire inlaid dream.
Cultivate wish glow without glean
Alchemists to truth contrived in corruption
Tarnish best showed dull that wounded seam.
Scabs licked and picked, amorphous pain
Sacrifice a malignant show, visions form anew,
Malevolent wound shaped a crafted image proper
Fed upon the reach day yearning, fragmented pall
Each mitotic belle and each set upon each sibling parasite.
For the longest time vast caverns forming
What they were or where they'd been, insidious,
Needy, tearing, blending, folding, manipulating and despoiling
Strewn cultures finish inside the sterile gape.
Civilisations cold in congealed blood conceal simple wisdom
Beyond the reach of agonizing jaded strain,
More value is always placed on inflated goods.
Guiding code demands no conceited righteous blood lust
Axiom as panacea, fabric in the each baked crust
Set aeons before it landed thus
Us to it and each for all of us;
No yoke to celestial masters cast.

Danny Draper

Danny Draper

Kiama, New South Wales, Australia
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