Intimate Ideas Fleeting Thoughts Poem by Myrtle Thomas

Intimate Ideas Fleeting Thoughts

Intimate Ideas Fleeting Thoughts

held in arms so willing and warm
kissed tenderly, urgently
as a hungry wolf
like the driving force of a thunderstorm
Oh the aroma of you lover so close
welcome lips as sweet as honey
moist are the pleasures of a woman in love

mold me in arms strong yet ever so tender
your voice strong and firm
but to me are soft whispers of endearing
move me darling with your loving embrace
thoughts of moments in time spent but not lost
now seem so much sweeter than aged wine
my love runs deeper with each passing year
comfort and familiarity are strengthening bonds

oh the magic that attracts two loves
and seals them together until death opens the door
love knows no age limit nor color theme
for true love makes rich even in sickness and poverty

love looks for personality beyond outward appearance
to see the spirit that is the real you
to embrace so close and feel your soul melt into mine
such a connection is a rare find

a friend, companion a lasting love
a pleasurable gift from above
for you are the teacher that taught me to love

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