. Inside Your Mind Poem by Lovita Morang

. Inside Your Mind

Rating: 2.9

. inside your mind

mind you
magic is in you
start counting
if your fingers fail

that brain
where 10 add 11 zeros
of neurons branching out inside
think over
so it's possible to count

your brain can know
one hundred trillion things
your and mine
add on
what wonder can we not do

[haute cuisine everyone round the table
one asking for salt
there is already enough salt in the food
doctor says extra pinch of salt is fatal to health I said
tell the doctor to join dandi march
Mahatma will be happy, thats sea of salt, sweet taste of freeing the chains constraints....
not me, pass me the salt]
I barely succeed to make others happy

Bonds alchemical, billions of atoms
burst inside my mind
I suddenly become
A grain of salt
a grain of a single salt
inside your mouth
just feel
the power
of sixteen zeros
forces of ten million billion atoms

and the forces of power
between the atoms
atoms in the salt
salt on the table
salt in the mouth

another bigger universe
in these smallness of being

mindkind shall never misunderstand
if you can understand
if I can understand

mind you
magic is in you

if you have felt it
then the atoms will dance for you

so you are thinking now
start thinking

mind you
magic is in you

-Poem by Lovita J R Morang

Monday, January 18, 2010
Topic(s) of this poem: lifespan
Salt is the sweetest thing but extra pinch of salt harm our health.
Lovita J R Morang 22 August 2019

Prabir Gayen, DrTony Brahman, Dr.Ratan Bhattacharjee....It is time to thank you....Thank You

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Prabir Gayen 23 January 2019

Beautiful...i quote... mindkind shall never misunderstand if you can understand if I can understand......thanks

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Dr Antony Theodore 15 August 2018

your brain can know one hundred trillion things your and mine add on what wonder can we not do yes mind magic remains in you... mind is always a wonder. we are not able to define it....... but it remains..... tony

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Dr. Ratan Bhattacharjee 18 January 2010

So passionate and sensuous are ur feelings, I read all your poems at a single breath. They touch me, touch me, touch me....not.But I feel them in the deep core of my heart like one grain of salt...in my mouth Like Keats? u hv Keatsean sensuousness and tactile sensation..Keep on Lovita.

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Lovita Morang

Lovita Morang

Arunachal, Assam, india
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