Inner Whisper...Longings - By An Angel`s Lips.... Poem by Inner Whispers

Inner Whisper...Longings - By An Angel`s Lips....

(Monday, July 07,2008)

I close my eyes, crumple into my couch,
Gazing at my window where my tree abode;
I got up and ease myself, leaping into the window,
Put the chair under its shade for me to hold.

I look into its branches,
Leaves so shimmery green;
I close my eyes again and draw a deep breath,
As I let my inner whisper afloat in my sense...

I touch my lips and bite a bit,
All longings came so fast, can't control it;
How long will I wait for me to taste,
A tender, passionate kiss I really miss!

Then yOur image comes clearly,
As yOu approach me admiringly;
My heart begin to beat furiously,
As yOu kneel infront of me.

YoUr hands so warm, smell yOur breath,
That seems so heavy with urging need;
YoU touch my cheeks, as yOu stared, so melting,
And outlined my lips with yOur fingers, so breathtaking!

As I reach yOur cheeks too,
My hands are cold and shaking,
Feel like something strange growing,
Then yOu ease yOur arms around me, I want to run.

My mind is screaming, wanting yOu to stop!
But my urge tells me, no, feel the moment as YOU hug me tight;
With heavy moan, 'Greca, I love you, forgive me, I do!

Our eyes met, nearer as yOu lean,
YoUr lips so teasing, as I await,
Don't know why I gave in, I gasped in between yOur kisses,
As yOu play with my lips, desire grows more as we kissed! many days will I long for yOu,
To come and fulfill my longings?

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