In Penshurst In Victoria Poem by Francis Duggan

In Penshurst In Victoria

In Penshurst in Victoria cash or grain crops farmers don't grow
And to the stony Countryside the Seasons come and go
And old Mt Rouse the volcanic hill stand on the higher ground
Overlooking the flat brown landscape for miles and miles around.

Penshurst in Victoria a quiet rural Town
And through Bell Street the main shopping centre few cars pass up and down
And no dirty factory chimney for to pollute the air
A healthy place to live in and such places are rare.

Penshurst in Victoria was long here before the first people came
And for thousands of centuries before the white pioneers gave it an English name
The first people had their corroborees on Mt Rouse in centuries gone by
Their history and their culture we never should deny.

In Penshurst in Victoria few stone free acres to be found
For miles around old Mt Rouse volcanic stones and rocks abound
Sometime back in the Dreamtime lava from the hill did flow
The evidence lay scattered on the Countryside below.

On Mt Rouse centuries ago the first people hunted roo
And the morning air echoed to the magpie's song and the calls of the weerloo
Long before the birth of Penshurst Town named by those from far away
The ancestors of the people of the Penshurst of today.

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