Imperial Backs Have Eyes-Cauchy3 Poem by cheung shun sang

Imperial Backs Have Eyes-Cauchy3

Imperial backs have eyes…
Imperial backs have eyes with sexes.
China Tories clean the eyes.
Houses with buns delivery very little is food.
Poor as cauchy3 eat the letters.
Ginger breads are cadre rich.
Vector illness gets the madness.
Powers manic press our torques.
Rotated torques is mains to times.
Learning rote will write the powers.’
Feel the dragon there are bloods.
Char all solicited are bloody tools.
Conquest a job his eyes are cleaned.
Cadres clean the china eyes.
Fear no brownies are closet cadres.
Catch the lengths are conquest eyes.
Cauchy3 get a length with shorter arms.
Cauchy3 the poking man with arms is yes.

Cashes in tickets stamps are loving offices.
Chalk the laws are lawyer kick.
Chalk the powers leaders cares.
Cups and cans are guns and powers.
Count the wigs a judge has right.
Furry cups are further works.
China learning most is more.
---Cheung Shun Sang=Cauchy3---

Kelvin Karani 26 December 2008

cups and cans are guns and powers indeed! In our modern world that is, not just China but in the whole wide wild world. It seems its our fate- thats what we are told anyway. But I refuse to believe! Its such faith in fatalism that destroys us, we in the 'forgoten corners of the world'-we under christian imperialism, giving to Ceasar what is his and never seeing ourselves as Ceasers needing that which is ours. Down with imperialism, down with fatalism, down with the imperial powers comprador allies in our countries- in third world!

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