If I Were... Poem by Francois GUIMATSIA

If I Were...

If I were living in the country as a farmer,
Hard-working I'd be, come shine or rain,
Just elated to know that my bags of grain
Feed the hungry at home and elsewhere.

If I were, like Pelé, a sports celebrity,
Driven by my fans' pleasure, not by fame,
Never defeated by referees' partiality,
I would strive to leave behind a good name.

If I were a smart and skilled physician,
Caring for the needy, my guiding light,
Would boost my passion and dedication,
Though one candle cannot cancel the night.
If I were a field-marshal in the Army,
From Sankara I would draw inspiration:
In Burkina he waged a war on poverty,
Just using ideas as weapons in that nation.

If I were a political tycoon or magnate,
Nelson Mandela is the hero I'd emulate;
He treated, after 27 years of imprisonment,
His judges and jailers with no resentment.

My job is simply to cater for learners,
Nurturing with knowledge their inborn talent;
Grooming them to be balanced and potent,
Whatever course of life they are followers.

Developers of minds are great teachers;
Without pretense, by word and by action,
They train people to transform the nation,
Whether they're soldiers, farmers or leaders.

Menato San 04 August 2016

Nice Nice Nice you are amazing

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Francis Saah 08 August 2016

Thanks Menato for your appreciaton!

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Kelly Kurt 03 August 2016

You ARE a wonderful poet. Keep being yourself, Francis

1 0 Reply
Francis Saah 08 August 2016

Hello Kelly, Thanks for your comment. I really like your poem Fish.

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