I Must Be Famous Poem by Raheem Lyttle Kiyaga

I Must Be Famous

I wait for you to desire Me
When you yearn for Me, I will be there in power
How much of Me do you want?
How often will you call on Me, your love?
will you depend on Me?
will you search for Me in your day?
Will I just be a part of your early morning;
or will you invite Me to the rest of your day?
Will you look for Me in everything you do?
Don't relegate Me to the lyrics from a song that say
'I find you when I fall apart.'
Expand My territory in your life
Make Me a part of every waking hour
Make Me a part of every decision to be made
Seek Me before you move
before you act
before a word is on your lips
When you feel emotions riseup, run to Me to show you how to react
Ask Me what to say
Allow Me to flow in you for everything
People will see your peace
your new found joy
your desire to talk about Me
Desire to honor Me with everything you do
Your willingness to serve others above what you wantis what
pleases My heart
I love to watch you give of yourself to meet another's need
That is why I must be in everything you do
You will burn out and complain if you are doing it in your own strength
If it is just you, you will fail
You will get crabby and demanding
I want everyone to see yourperfect peace and joy daily no matter
what life throws your way
For its not about circumstances or the joys orsorrows life offers
It's about Me
Where am I in the circumstances?
What am I saying in the hardstuff of life?
What do I want to do in the pain?
How do I want to use you?
When they see Me - I am glorified and My Father is lifted high
Our name will be praised - We will be famous
For you are Our ambassador
Show Us well
Show Us often
Depend on Us often and youwill be amazed at the end results every
You will be able to step backand say, 'Wow, that was not me, that
was Him'
I want you to be able to stepback every time you do something and
say, 'Wow, where did that come from? I'm not that good.'
Whether you are speaking or teaching or chatting with a friend or
talking to a stranger.
Whether you are painting orsewing or drawing.
Whatever you do, do all for the glory of God
That is how this verse will be made known in you
Be patient, I am working it inyou
Relax and wait on Me
Wait for Me before you move and you will stand amazed.

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