I Believe In The Power Poem by Cleo A. Fletcher

I Believe In The Power

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I believe in the power of you.
As the rain falls upon us and
everyone else scatters.

I believe in the power of you.
As I look into the shadowy pools
of your mysterious eyes.

I believe in the power of you.
As I fall into your arms always
trusting you to catch me.

I believe in the power of you.
As you listen while I pour my
heart and I cry my eyes out to you.

I believe in the power of you.
As I sit and listen to your
words, your wisdom filtering your deep voice.

I believe in the power of you.
As I lay in your warm embrace
feeling protected and cherished.

I believe in the power of you.
As you turn away and walk out
the door, promising to come back.

I believe in the power of you.
As I sit waiting patiently
for some sign of you to return.

I believe in the power of you.
As even now I doubt all my
faith in the one person I truly love.

I believe in the power of you.
As I sit here crying and swearing
wishing you could hear me.

I believe in the power of you.
As I begin to lose passion for
everything I loved when I was with you.

I believe in the power of you.
As I lay dying in bed suffering
from a broken heart.

I believe in the power of you.
As I close my eyes and an
image of you forms in my mind.

I believe in the power of you.
As I begin to feel a rage that
is red hot and will not go away.

I believe in the power of myself.
As i see your true image; a true
image of who you are inside.

I believe in the power of myself.
As I begin to build my life up and
start doing the things I enjoy.

I believe in the power of myself.
As I understand the things that
were so illusive to me before.

I believe in the power of myself.
As I take back your control over
me and start living my life.

I believe in the power of myself.
As I no longer believe in the
power of you.

I believe in the power of myself.
As you and your power
no longer affects me.

I believe in the power of myself.
As I begin to love the one true
person I've forgotten in all of this


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