I Am In Love With Poetry Poem by Erika Heslop Martin

I Am In Love With Poetry

You are beautiful to me.
Your presence is powerfully wonderful.
You have a special way with words that electrify my soul.
Your personality is hypnotizing.
Your ideas are diverse and tantalizing.
You stimulate my mind, body and spirit.

I think about you everyday.
I read, write, smell, taste and feel you ever so often.
I speak about you passionately.
I dream about you every night.
Your rhythm is always right.
You are apart of me.
I am apart of you.

Oh my love,
I am revealing you to the world.
I am so proud of you.
You add so much meaning and value to my life.
You compliment me.
I love your gentle caress.
I am energized by your sensuous massages;
I scream at the sound of your name.
I love your sweet and succulent flavour;
I love your style.
You are so fulfilling.
You satisfy me in everyway.

I am so free around you.
You make me so happy.
You make my visions real.
I am committed to you.
I love you endlessly.
You are glued to my lips like my favourite lip gloss.
I am in love with you Poetry.
God knows why he sent you into my life.
I feel like I can conquer the world with you.
I am confident and fearless with you by my side.
You are my best friend forever and you are
The love of my life.

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