'Hold My Hand' Poem by Bernard Snyder

'Hold My Hand'

Rating: 3.3

I just want to say 'thank you', Lord
and know that I truly understand,
how lost I would've been
if you weren't holding my hand,
you've always filled my cup with everything
whenever it ran empty,
through you, I've had my share of opportunities in life
because you provided aplenty,
you've always made me so happy
whenever I was down or feeling 'blue'
you've always pointed me in the right direction
when I didn't have a clue,
so, I just want to say 'thank you' Lord
and I understand how blessed I really am,
even though you brought me through the toughest of times
I want you to continue to hold my hand!

Rekha Mandagere 08 March 2011

There is Ease and flow in your lovely sentiments. A great tribute to the service of beloved! Thanks for sharing such a lovely poem. marks 10+

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Rachel Butler 27 October 2011

'How lost I would've been if you weren't holding my hand' RAB

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Chinedu Dike 03 July 2019

Beautiful rendition portraying a thankful heart and a glorifying tongue. Well penned with spiritual insight. Thanks for sharing, Bernard.

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La Donna Woods 29 June 2016

I love the way you homage to God, to Whom your blessings flow. Yes give God the glory He deserves.

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Valsa George 25 December 2015

This is the right attitude one should have in life..... an attitude of gratitude to the one who provides us with everything and fills our cup of life when it goes empty and leads us through the right direction! On Christmas, when our hearts should be filled with love and gratitude for the one who came down to Earth from Heaven to redeem mankind, I have enjoyed this poem much!

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Bren Bren 10 June 2015

The humility shines through.

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Guy Lip-more 01 May 2013

Although I'm not religious, I really felt your belief in you God. Good poem.

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