Happy Birthday Poem by Monino Martin

Happy Birthday

You’ve been gone for eight years
But all of your good memories still here
Right here in our hearts and minds
A agood son, a good brother, good uncle and a good friend like you is hard to find
Wishing that your still here
So we could still celebrate your birthday every year
But your not here anymore
Your joking around we’re still looking for
Because you’re bringing us happiness
You’re the best son, brother, uncle and friend that we ever had, you’re really the best
We’re always going to miss you especially your singing and playing guitar
No matter where you are
We’re always going to miss you, in our hearts you’re so near, you’re not far
You’re our best son, brother, uncle and friend; you’re our star that’s who you are
For us, even if you’re gone you’re happy memories will never be erased
It’ll still be in our hearts, no one could ever take you place
Because you got a good personality
You’re smart, talented and nice, we’re so proud of you for all things that you’ve achieved; you’re friends and your whole family
When you’re still here, we love you and we will always going to miss you
Happy 29th Birthday our son, friend, uncle and brotha

Moisel 'Joy' Martin Feb.17,1979 - Jan.1,1998
Happy Belated birthday Kuya joy, we love amd miss you
Rest in peace

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