Haiku Ii-The Queen Of The Lake Poem by the poet

Haiku Ii-The Queen Of The Lake

Rating: 4.6

On the icy waters,
A symbol of elegance,
As it floats with grace.

Spreading its petals,
Iron hard yet so gentle,
Like a shining star.

As the Queen settles,
Under the moonlight shadow,
The hymn starts to sing.

This still of the night,
The lotus rests on her throne,
Such timeless beauty.

Goldy Locks 13 June 2007

maybe you could change it to `On icy waters..' to make the count completely consistent in perfect 'ku form thru-out... Alex. well tasted, well laid-out, deserving description.. care, sjg

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Egi David Perdana 26 October 2008

wow, I also trying to write haiku, but I don't have, this good poems

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Alex - You have a gift for expressing so much in so few words. I hope to read many more of these beautiful haiku in the future! Best to you - Cheryl

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Gold Flower 27 June 2007

This is a good haiku. Keep writing the best. This is yet another wonderful poem. I need a medal for having the most best poems over here! Lol! God Bless All Poets. *Lilly*

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Yao Tzu 18 June 2007

this is a good haiku my only concern is the emphasis of iron in the title. Though 'Iron Hard' is mentioned in the poem, i dont feel like iron is significant to the poem as a whole. Nothing wrong with the poem, i just suggest a reworking of the tittle

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Emma Johnson 18 June 2007

Another beautiful piece. Susie xx.

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