Future Watch Burma To Syria Conflicts Rising Poem by Terence George Craddock (Spectral Images and Images Of Light)

Future Watch Burma To Syria Conflicts Rising

been watching
the future today...

from past lens astray

Burma as expected
has developed
ethnic problems

with sudden absence
of strict communist
dictatorship firm leash

Burmese are no longer
all brother communists
controlled by the state

past civic grievances
rise from postmortem
state of frozen stasis

past horrors play
on revenge rabid minds
need exercising?

past spectre struggles
post World War II conflicts
leave skeletons in closets

frozen nightmares divisions
war atrocities split Yugoslavia
post familiar communist thaw

emotively haunted people
seem to need to grim settle
past trauma before each

can move on embrace
future possibilities opportunities
in free market societies

when no longer linked
in brotherhood communist
cast iron citizenships

emotively many people
seem to need to settle
the past before they can

move on
and embrace
the future

now Obama has been elected
waiting for possible planned
NATO invasion interaction

in conflict Syria
deals have been cut
die is pact cast?

sadly with negotiated
Russian deal back off
it looks like NATO is

about to play ball again
a few days or weeks weeks
after Obama reelection?

before estate invasion
green light is given?
just a matter of covert

or tracked
heavily by media?

to see if Kurds
get a slice of Syria
pie or repeat cut

from invasion equation
again like post war Iraq?
Syrian Kurds receiving

military training
from their Iraqi brothers
but beware divide

and conquer is a proven
formula for interventions?
for preparation invasions

Syria's chemical weapons
stockpiles an ominous serious
issue who gets control play?

once Syrian President
black listed Bashar al-Assad
is sleight of hand displaced?

Syrian rebel backed uprising
will splinter into fractions
an imposed Western-backed?

initiative will become
increasingly unpopular
situation will demand?

usual political
quick fix band-aids...
scared minorities

Druze Kurds

in Syria
will support
the devil

they know
before feared majority
Sunni Muslims?

will an imposed
initiative work?

US imposed
solutions have not
well worked

before or lately
in Afghanistan
problem Pakistan?

are not about
to in Russia's
historic decades

long Syrian
Burma now enters

Muslim Buddhist

Unlike Egypt
which wants
a peaceful

of a status quo
tourist dollars

flowing back in
meaning a moderate
Muslim Brotherhood?

has no

long economic
prosperity stability
to fall back on?

in Syria

on Jordan
Iraq Turkey

has heated
up Syrian

Israeli border tensions
since October in an attempt
at unification against

a common
traditional enemy?
but far too

much Syrian
civil war blood
has been shed

now contemporary
President of Turkey
Arab praise rising

on hate
Israeli rhetoric

shares an old Israeli
misfortune Syrian shells
cross Turkish borders

and Israeli borders
cheer up worried Turkey
you have it easy?

hundreds of Palestinian
missiles kill not your citizens
relax safe within borders?

Israel suffers 12 years
of yearly 1000 rockets
slamming into her cities?

Britain America Turkey
would not suffer 12 days
12 hours of such attacks?

but beware the Syrian
National Council SNC enjoys
strong Turkish support?

dominated by Sunni Islamists
members of the Free Syrian Army
have begun to receive training?

from prominent
radical Islamists
like dangerous

Belhaj commander
of Tripoli Military
Council in Libya?

Belhadj with 'close relationships'
with al-Qaeda leaders specifically
cite Taliban chief Mullah Omar?

based in Jalalabad
Belhadj is alleged
to have run financed?

training camps
for Arab mujahideen fighters
be careful Turkey?

such warriors
supporting Islamic wars
support do not

sectarian republics
can cross so easily can
Turk Syrian borders?

now Obama election
confirmation America
is official policy

decisions on Syria
are soon about
to be played out?

hope pray real peace
is on international agenda
this time as always

innocent families
will be caught
in war cross-fires?

not until an equivalent
amount of seed money
is spent on establishing

peace as
was spent
on war war?

will real solutions
start to emerge?
primary mitigating

factors against economic
sanctions from block outside
world are Russian al-Assad

support Iran's
close trade ties
with oil Syria?

Iran's purchasing
of Syrian crude
oil Iranians deny it?

hydra head problems
haunt Burma Syria
internal ethnic issues?

meanwhile in conflict Syria
Wall Street Journal reports
Christians arm themselves?

but few Christians openly sided
with Bashar al-Assad's regime
as ethnic Syrian Alawites did?

most wise Syrian Christians
have stayed completely silent
due to feared post-Assad era?

Syrian Christians fear Muslim
Brotherhood or Salafi policies in
splinter chaotic post al-Assad era?

Christians afraid fear facing same
scenario as invaded Iraqis faced...
in 2003 post US military invasion?

Christians fear their communities
caught in crossfire will be devastated
by power struggle sectarian groups?

Christians in neighboring Iraq
suffered greatly in sectarian wars
during power struggle past decade?

Christians since beginning of uprisings
consistently acted with minority psychology
an attitude of Christian passive neutrality?

in attempt overthrow of Syrian President
Bashar al-Assad Christian exclusion...
from revolution uprisings was because?

the Syrian Church warned Christians
not to participate in revolution uprisings
yet Syrian church leaders fear prospect

of an Islamic fundamentalist
future takeover in Syria represents
a greater danger to Christians?

than continuation of current President
Bashar al-Assad's administration
because during Assad era Christians

faced no real policy secular difficulty
in practicing their religion difficulties...
occur in control by a dictator regime?

Assad's regime practiced
rigid precise secular ideology
which afforded minorities

a known measure of protection
world politics now considers
broader regional implications?

of escalating Syrian crisis
status position of pawn religious...
minorities will become an

increasingly important
volatile issue as ethnic Druze
build underground bunkers

in rugged southwest mountains
Druze; Christian; sideline minorities;
not siding with revolt opposition

play cat mouse waiting games
Christian leaders in Syria...
condemned the Arab League's

political suspension of Syria
League's organization imposition
of sanctions on Assad's regime?

enter yet another chess piece
Syrian foreign Kurds remain
divided many still suspicious

of the Sunni Arabs in the SNC
their ties to decades enemy Turkey...
Assad continues attempt to exploit

past present Kurdish Turkish conflicts
Assad reaches out to Kurds in Syria's
northeast therefore view an internal end

to Syria's conflict in near future as
unlikely a full-blown sectarian
civil war looms on present horizons

could be avoided
if an aspiring Alawite...
general overthrows

Assad by means
of a coup military
seems unlikely?

risk indicators uncertain
radar images no Alawite signs
of traitor aggressive plots?

if total sectarian
civil war breaks out...
Alawite activists?

hope their community
can salvage an autonomous
province in the northwest?

divide conquer spoils
place hopes along previously
past established lines?

reestablish Alawite State
which once upon a time existed...
under a French mandate?

of Syria after conflict first
World War fly spider webs
of western interventions?

would revolt Sunni Arabs tolerate
a new piece meal arrangement
another map fly paper intrigue?

sticky de facto partition
of Syria cutting off their access...
to the Mediterranean Sea

remember Hitler desired
insisted on Polish corridor
clear access to trade sea?

unmolested is strategic requisite
of regional power requirement
divided Germany was intolerable?

divided Arab ambitions
in Muslim Middle East...
prove equally intolerable

Syrian Alawite State
cutting Syrian access
to Mediterranean Sea

via Syrian principal port
city of Latakia hampers
chances of a real Syrian?

viable economic future prosperity
therefore cash in Alawite hopes...
last ditch bargain table Alawite State?

therefore Syrian sectarian
civil war promises significant
bloodshed with no realistic

way of appeasing all opposed
parties hard line heartfelt desires
expectations in political reverse?

unlike Iraq in war 2006
where strategic fighting raged...
for control of one city

Syria has multiple cities in
target hairs of splintered fractions
similar scale loss of civilian

lives as always innocent families
will be caught in conflict crossfires
not until an equivalent amount

of money is spent
on establishing peace...
as was spent on wars

will real conflict solutions
start to resolution emerge
giving peace a real chance?

overthrown Alawite Assad regime
by Sunni majority Free Syrian Army
may equate to revenge bloodbaths?

Copyright © Terence George Craddock

Complete version of the poems 'Burmese Democracy Expected Ethnic Problems', 'Conflict Syria A Cut Of Pie', 'Syrian Ethnic Religious Rebel Uprising ', 'Syrian Civil War Blood Shed Radical', 'Decisions On Syria Played Out? ', 'Syrian Christians Minority Psychology', 'Analyze Broader Regional Implications' and 'Syrian Alawite Sunni Civil War' by Terence George Craddock.
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