Freedom Poem by ramesh rai


How shall I wonder
when there is barrier all over the world
everyone is frightened with each other
a lot of energy, money and human time is wasted
only in the name of safeguard

How shall i wonder
when my legs are trapped
in financial misery

How shall i adore the world
when my hands are tightened

I wish to cherish the Humankind
I wish to visit mountains and hills
I wish to fly up above the sky
God has given us all his treasure
but most of us are busy to loot his treasure

How the world will go ahead
Say my friend!
any way.

Shaun Payton 20 January 2012

I think busy is sometimes an internal excuse not to do things. This world needs more visual wanderings rather than more technology, wonderful poem.

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Hans Vr 20 January 2012

Deep questions raised in this very nice poem. I am sitting in front here of a most wonderful sunrise. Somehow, somewhere deep inside of me, I believe strongly that the world is getting better Even though we see in the news only negativity that is more because of the media's focus than because of the world. I truly bellieve that goodness is flowing (please read my poem flow) slowly penetrating in all layers of the population More and more people perform random kind acts Let us be actively a part of this incipiating kindness revolution I think we are living in very exciting times. Wow, Ramesh, your poem is really thought provoking Very good write!

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Vipins Puthooran 20 January 2012

Life is hectic but we've to plan new tactics as we are bound by sadness and happiness.....a meanigful and a great poem//top marks! ! !

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Wabi Sabi 20 January 2012

sadness and hapiness, freedom and responsibility, they always come in a rotation. Nice poem, I hope every one will get a freer and more flexible idea with this poem.

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