For A Poet Poem by Countee Cullen

For A Poet

Rating: 3.7

I have wrapped my dreams in a silken cloth,
And laid them away in a box of gold;
Where long will cling the lips of the moth,
I have wrapped my dreams in a silken cloth;
I hide no hate; I am not even wroth
Who found the earth's breath so keen and cold;
I have wrapped my dreams in a silken cloth,
And laid them away in a box of gold.

Lara McKenzie 31 August 2009

Does this remind anyone of Yeats?

10 8 Reply
Dr Antony Theodore 01 August 2020

I have wrapped my dreams in a silken cloth, And laid them away in a box of gold; Where long will cling the lips of the moth, I have wrapped my dreams in a silken cloth; Wonderful imagination. tony

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Write your name 22 February 2018

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gearthy 22 February 2018

its very interesting and cool

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John Richter 07 May 2015

Do moths have lips? Honestly - or was line entirely contrived in order to rhyme with another?

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John Richter 10 May 2015

Yo soy la Marisposa de la Muerte! Absolutely love that photo Kim!

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Kim Barney 07 May 2015

Right on, John. I don't think moths have lips, either, but my BUTTERFLY OF DEATH does.

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Aidan Johnson 03 March 2014

i love this poems and the poems are like telling the future

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