'First' Love? (10-23-08) Poem by Shilesha Johnson

'First' Love? (10-23-08)

What does it mean to be someone’s “FIRST” love
What does it mean to have had a “FIRST” love
What does it mean when you say “FIRST LOVE”
A first love has nothing to do with who you “FIRST” said it to
It has nothing to do with who you “FIRST” felt it with
I THINK it’s who your heart decides it is
I think it’s who your heart decides is true
Not who you “FIRST” spoke those words too
Your first love is the one you were closer with
The one you experienced your “FIRST” real connection with
The one who knew you better than you did yourself
Always picking you up
For the times that you have fell
The one who won’t judge you on any circumstance
The one who will take care of you better than anyone can
The one who you can’t live most without
And the one you come to in the end
Even when you have your doubts
The one that completes you
YOU’R missing puzzle piece
The one person you can absolutely trust
With out even thinking
Your “FIRST” love has NOTHING to do with who you SAID it to “FIRST”
Or who you FELT it with “FIRST”
It’s who YOU say is your “FIRST” love
It’s who YOUR heart says is your “FIRST” love
And with that being said
You should know that you are mine

Frandy Osias-louis 25 October 2008

YoUr WoRds I CoUlD ReLaTe To ObTaInInG ThAt FiRsT LoVe Is SuMtHiNg OnLi ThE HeArT DeCiDeS NoT ThE WoRdS ThE LiPs SpEaK GrEaT UsE of EmOtIoN I CoUlD FeEL ThE CoNnEcTiOn YoU HaVe WiThIn YoUr HeArT WiTh ThIs PeRsOn I GiVe ThIs A 10!

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