Finding Home Poem by Ariana Cherry

Finding Home

She awoke just a few moments after sunrise.
Feeling the wetness of morning dew sticking to her face
After a long sleep upon the cold grassy ground.

Gathering her strength to awaken tired eyes,
She stretches in a state of confusion.
At once, she questions herself how she ever had ended up here
In the first place.

Laying upon this cold damp grass,
She finds herself in a yard she once called home.
Yet with no memory or recollection of how she traveled here.

Perhaps it was her deep conscious that lead her to this drunken state.
Sometimes her heart knew how much home was missed before she too
Could realize it herself.

Feeling around her surroundings, her heart felt an unwelcoming ache.

A place she played while she was young…
Yet a place, deserted years ago.

Looking to the sun, tears stung her virgin eyes.
“Please bring me home, ” she whispers

So many years after a wrong turn,
Her growing journey had stopped to a halt.
… An aching heart that had begun to lead the way.”

“Please bring me home..” again she whispered.
With a ray of glorious light, the loving arms of a golden angel
Wrapped herself around the poor young girl’s fragile body,
And carried her to a cozy brick home with a antique red door,
a heart engraved with the word “home“ hung upon it.

An elderly couple answered and immediate embraced this young tearful woman.
The Lord, had helped her finally find her way home
after such a troublesome journey.

“I love you mom and dad, ” she whispered.

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