Fathers’ Day Poem by Bashyam Narayanan

Fathers’ Day

Fathers’ day
I was greeted by my children
I looked back as to
What I have done to them

Nothing much
Or more than what all fathers would have done
To their children

They greeted me saying
That I am a great dad and what not
To what extent I deserve this
As far I know
I have not demonstrated
Any unique signs of love

I have not, of course,
Disciplined them nor
I have given them specific

I used to feel
Whether I have missed to tell them
The importance of being organized
Being ambitious
And being industrious
So that they can become
Something more different from
What others (of their age) are

I chose this approach
Because of my staunch belief
That lessons learnt of their own
Have more beneficial impacts
Than just sharing your experience

I would have guided them
Into pains taking paths
So that they have better gains

As per my estimate
They have grown on their own
And they were never tamed or trained
In a particular fashion

I feel I have given them enough freedom
To choose paths or faiths
After their experimenting
With different approaches

I believe that they have the strength and confidence
To decide the appropriate step
And to take care of themselves
Even in demanding situations

I examine myself as to
Whether my children
Felt they are important
And they are consulted
While taking vital decisions in the family

Sometime children used to say
“Dad, your letting us to our way
Helped us evolve and not just grow”

While this is a compliment from one side
I used to complaints as well
As my wife feels that I have not
Contributed enough to help children
Shape up their future

I still stick to my belief
That evolution is more important
Than just emerging
As the former has a better sustainability
And a stronger foundation
Than the latter

It has been my suggestion to my kids,
Not necessarily an advice
That they should do things
Which they enjoy doing
Though initially I did not enjoy
What they were doing
I saw a change in them
I started marking they started
Doing sensible things
That would have a say on their
Overall development and growth

A self-assessment of mine
As a father
Makes me feel that
I should have done more visible things
To demonstrate my love to them
And should have extended
Still a wider broad based
Emotional support

Though I can claim to have
Accepted and accommodated them
As they are
I did little demonstration to make them appreciate
That I am making efforts to understand them

I used to get appreciated by them
For my inputs, which, they say
Have triggered them to develop better insight
So that they can understand
Events, emotions and appearances

I thank them
For their sincere love and affection
For not forcing me to act in a manner
That would displease them
For their innocence and expressions/outbursts therefrom

I love them
I cry when they are pained
I am proud of them
And will be ever so

On this fathers’ day
I would launch upon
Efforts to make them
Feel my affection towards them

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