Every Election Season Poem by Lawrence S. Pertillar

Every Election Season

More are becoming less interested,
To openly address their business adventures.
Since a growing malaise these days,
Has been allowed to spread and lay...
An overwhelming feeling of disgust and distrust,
With an expressed remorse.
And an enforced disappointing of regrets endorsed.

Yet left condoned alone to nurture,
In inner cities neglected...
Where those who live in subdivisions,
Permitted to exist...
Are people expected to thrive and survive,
On realities of hunger and homelessness.
With empty opporturnities promised,
Getting further to be distanced...
From dreams and wants that are dismissed.

Every election season,
Hopes are lifted high to get votes...
From folks positioning to get their photo ops.
To leave on the back burner,
Those left heated to steam.
With their self-esteem dwindling.
And their identities demeaned.

Every election season,
Made efforts to endeavor appear on scenes...
By both conservatives and liberals,
Coming to debate again...
Over reasons and purposes they will serve,
As if commodities and not meaningful things...
Have been patiently awaited by those who deserve.
With them unchanged.
Yet perceptions expected and deceived remain.
Every election season.

More are becoming less interested,
To openly address their business adventures.
Since a growing malaise these days,
Has been allowed to spread and lay...
An overwhelming feeling of disgust and distrust,
With an expressed remorse.
And an enforced disappointing of regrets endorsed.
Every election season.

'What are they protesting against 'NOW'?
Those who vow to prevent what's been allowed.'

~For more truth without it sweetened.
And less delusions to eat.
By vote catchers coming to sell them,
As visions to treat...
Realities gone unfulfilled.
Although they are not opposed,
To hearing who best...
Can do a dance around expected deceptions.~

'None of it convincing.'

But millions will be spent to do it.
With a proving to convince of their priorities.
Election season.
With a hope to defeat completely,
Everyone's reality.
OR what's left of it to remember.~

Bhargabi Dei Mahakul 29 August 2015

Very wonderfully expressed thoughtful poem with business adventure......

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