Eternal Homeland Poem by Dorothy Kardas, Psy.D. Th.D.

Eternal Homeland

Rating: 5.0

To the city of the living Deity
Avoiding trace of impiety uglification
For reverence of liberally given benefits and edification
Guarding as a myrmidon the prize of salvation
To the city of the living God
To reach this Lasting Homeland,
Still, a good deal is missing my Lord.

To the city of the living Divinity
Shunning vice, cultivating virtue -
The desire for the charm of sanctity
For the regard of freely bestowed profusion of graces
To safely reach the Holiest of Places
To the city of the living Deity
Shielding as a stout soldier 'all' with pity
To reach that City of cities,
A great deal is missing my Lord.
Regret each loss... my God.

To the Fatherland... the Ultimate City
Safeguarding the greatest devotion and fidelity
For the regard of freely given Protective Presence...
Guarding as a warrior the Blood of Mercy and absolution
Remaining steadfast in final resolution
To reach the City of the living God
Willing to die - out of love only - on the spot
To reach that Lasting Fatherland,
Always, come short my Lord.

To the City of the Sacred Maternity
Where motherless exult by the mantle of True-Blue Motherhood
There motherliness dwells in joy with pure saintliness
And motherly love is the same as Immaculate Benignity
Virginal Generosity; There love devotional and votive
Remains the one and only motive...
Long downright for this mothering -
This Motherland, my Lord...

To the Kingdom ruled by majesty of Truth and Love
For awe of being given the gift of faith and mystical hope
Guarding as a warrior for Truth, the prize of His unsurpassed Love
Taking refuge in His wounds, eager to be wounded -
A sign for the realness of the poorest form of love
To the City of the living Deity
Undefiled by error, guarding wealth
Of the unshakable twosome of chastity and charity
Miss gravely this City my Lord.

To the Unchanging Homeland...
To God's own country where the Presence of Deity
Triggers weighty feelings of reverential, filial fear
Missing this Homeland dear...
All earthly dealings and gear shall disappear
Yet, the Kingdom where Love and Truth reside
Cannot be shaken...
Cannot be mistaken...
Here, the King is a 'consuming fire, '
Bestowing superabundance
To only one - straight as an arrow - desire...
Where the King is...
There all the wealth is...
So never
Pass the chance
Have a cause for regret
Shame or blame...
As a myrmidon -
Carrying out orders without question or doubt
Lastingly setting eyes on hope that is safe
And Safe Haven again -
Never to feel that something is missing again...

August 15,2008

Jenifer Loring 30 August 2008

Dear Dr. Kardas, this is truly a masterpiece! A piece of poetical literature at its best! Wonderfully expressed longing for real Homeland - 'God's country'. Poetry that is deep and full of wisdom. I'm sure I will re-read this poem many times and pass it on to others, especially my godchildren. I'm so very grateful that I found your work. God bless.

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Peter Laskin 31 August 2008

Dear Dr. Kardas, Again...awesome poem. It really makes one think deep and hard about truly what matters in life...getting to the 'Eternal Homeland'. Granted not easy for most of much to many failings...coming up short to what we really were meant to be...what a great thought to pray about tonight...Thanks is not enough... +Love in Christ+ Pete * Can't say for sure but this one may be top of my list favorites!

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Ahmad Shiddiqi 22 January 2009

wonderful! ! ! keep writing! ! ! could you read and comment on my poems too? Dear, friend. Please, answer honestly. Do you feel and think that my poems are worthy enough to be published into a book? Could you help me? Do you know the publishing company who can publish my poems? Please, inform me. Because I need to publish them. Thank you very much. Best regards, Ahmad Shiddiqi Kuta, Bali, Indonesia

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James B. Earley 11 January 2009

'To the Fatherland...the Ultimate City. This Motherland, my Lord... Never to feel that something is missing again...' Indeed.....a brilliant bit of creativity! Thanks.

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Charles Carole 06 October 2008

Yes indeed, 'Where the KING is, There all the wealth is...' This poem leaves us with a very deep longing for that Eternal Home...Motherland. But, you are so right...we have to continuously work much harder to get this final reward...'so much is missing'.. so much to little time. Therefore, we must ONLY concentrate on what is of Eternal value...saving our soul, as well as the souls of our bretheren. Putting all your poems together Dr. Kardas, we see the great path that God has left us to follow. But do we? well do we follow? Great wisdom in your words. Thanks again...CC

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Godspower Oshodin 08 September 2008

this is poetry at it zenith. i think we've start looking at things that relinquish our pains. thanks alot for this masterpiece............

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Manonton Dalan 07 September 2008

very political doc.. i can see barely a glimpse but i feel your frustration. from the heart. thank you very

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