Eight Months In Cold Blood Poem by ChiMark Sunlight Ndubuisih

Eight Months In Cold Blood

In cold blood shed, blood blood shed!
on a cold winter noon of our powerless
nation in abode earth,
Eight months in cold blood, and thousands,
many great skills sold to the thirsting hungry
armies of the boko haram.
Without sickness, without motor accidents,
bloods are shedding on the hungry plane ground
watering the soil with innocent bloods,
But the gallant armed men are still roaming
in the forest, in the desert with no inhabitants searching
for great mysterious men of slaughter! .
Eight months in cold blood,
Loses are still counting the loses of gaining
in the era of an empty mantra built to incapacitate
the peaceful radiance of good leadership,
All men have seen the sagacious reign of inability,
Women are good chanters of their memorable
sense of torture for their yet to be found sons and daughters.
Eight months with good thousands of precious bloods
spilling all day in the consent of our custodian!
Change has come without altering blood shed to life,
We thought change is come fresh with a difference to rate high
An exemplary storm we hunger to see prior our sullied
deaths in the thorn-like fingers of our primitive killers.
But if we all die, who will record the change which is come
dolee dolee! even when all we hear is bombing everyday? .

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