Despair Poem by RAJ VIKRAM


Blues bleed and makes
one a weed wedded
to writhing pain that
induce a grin of self pity
that seem strangely
enjoyable as if it is the reality.

When in the throes
of overwhelming blues
pain seems the mantra
and no effort is spared
to wallow in valleys of despair
with a sense of fulfilment.

Lines of self pity
or the saddest lines are
written by the greatest poet
when he wrings out of it
and turns an observer
of nonchalant keenness.

When in pain,
when in blues, words cease
thoughts clutter and
despair drills a hole of
no hope, a black hole
where thoughts disappear.

No poet wrote of despair
when in despair.
disparate thoughts don't
cobble together into paper
they gobble you up,
before being aware.

When in blues
you turn into despair
and despair has the dominion
and when you write
of despair, you are out of it
well and truly so.

Don't feel sad reading
the saddest lines from the
greatest poet.
But know, sadness is
no inspiration,
nor words are borne of it.

Despair was never described
when in the clutches of it.
Just as pleasure is not
written about when in it.
Can't have it and
make note of it in simultaneity.

When blues bleed
allow the profuse shedding
of emotions, and when
out of it try to note it
then knowing will descend
that you are out of it.

Saturday, May 7, 2016
Topic(s) of this poem: despair
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