De-Holocaustize The Six Million Jews Poem by alexander opicho

De-Holocaustize The Six Million Jews

Rating: 3.0

it has now gone an epical song
like the fables of Homer and Ramayana,
or else a national anthem like the poem of Tagore,
in India and lesbian song of Brenda Fasie in south Africa,
that six million Jews were killed in the world war II,
that they were killed at Dachau, that it was holocaust,
That the Jewish Holocaust protege of Hitler.

As if the war was between the Jews and the world,
as if the Jews alone died in the war, but none else,
as if the of Africans' death is not death, but ethics of war,
as if more than six million Africans who died are not news,
as if humongous compensation with state of Israeli to the Jews,
means nothing until what we know not must happen.

African deaths in the second world war lacks statistics,
given the sub-human conditions of the Africans by then,
before thrones of colonial psychology of white civilization,
they were more than six million black men and women,
conscripted by white man's force in kings African Rivals,
They fronted without training to shoot and take cover,
they were placed as front guard, white soldiers the rear guard,
then they became shield and human barricade to ward-off,
volley of bullets lest the white soldiers get wounded.

Black men and women rarely came back alive,
once taken into war that was death as a must
those who survived the war in Panama or wherever,
were never taken back home, they were left there,
to walk on foot thousands of miles back home,
without food, clothes, arms or map to guide,
some were even shot by the their own fellow white soldiers
on the grounds of the race, because the war was over,
Black men as such died of hunger, thirst, exhaustion and Malaria,
they were eaten by wild animals in the bush, their cadaver went to dogs,
Millions of black men never got home for ceremonial burial
and this was not Black holocaust, only the Jews had a holocaust.

Black men had no stake in the second world war whatsoever,
they had no interest, they were not in any colonial scramble
they were not in any arms race nor imperialism of any sort,
Jews had what they wanted; land or money whatever it was,
but where can you get land and money without the cost?
loss of lives or personal heritage can be the cost, Pyrrhic or Byronic,
Jews are obviously truth bound to accept this virtues of history,
to accept their lot as a swallowed misfortune
from the universal holocaust but not Jewish holocaust.

The Japanese in Nagasaki and Hiroshima will say what,
was not the atomic bombing of their land
occassioning mass death of the Shintos
and son of Japan the owners of the Sun
immense enough to be a Japanese Holocaust?
Nagasaki and Hiroshima is not an anthem in Japan,
but blurred number of Jewish death in Dachau
is a universal anthem as the Six Million Jewish Holocaust,
what a selfish motivation to commit collective lies?

Jews who died were not six million,
Germany by then was not such populated,
Germany had less than ten million people,
Kwani, were the Jews more than the native Germans?
if then war is the game of numbers,
couldn't the Jews defend themselves from less Aryans?
Jews died, yes like any other race and community,
like the French, Britons, Germans, Russians and Indians,
Just like more than six million black Africans who died,
But Africans have forgotten and forgiven their conscriptors
they have never made the Black Holocaust their epical anthem,

Black men were compensated nothing for their wounds in war,
Ask Richard Wright the Native son of America in the realm of ancestors,
he has a story in the black boy, he will tell you, We black men,
We swallowed the most bitter bill of global history,
were toyed between the extremities of cruel historicities;
from slavery to colonial terror to world war back to colonial terror,
The Jews were given Israel as a compensation for their wounds,
The UNO wanted to Give the country of Uganda to the Jews,
As saucer compensation in addition to state of Israel,
imagine brutality that Black man harvests,
from his relation with the white world.

How many Arabs have the Israelis killed since 1948,
the year when Jews had Palestine's Atlas get shrugged
in the American efforts to pamper the Zionist Israelis,
are they not more than six million Arabs, or they are less,
Arabs are not Hitler who told the Jews to take a shower,
A lethal shower of ammonium gas at Dachau chambers,
Arabs are not Joseph Goebbels who ployed death of the Jews,
But Jews have amassed all type of menacing weapons,
they have killed men, women and children of Arab nation,
in the past six decades, Jews have killed violently and brutally,
more than six million Arabs, is this not an Arab Holocaust,
or no a Palestine Holocaust or no the Gentiles' Holocaust?

the events of second world war were universal in dint
they never befall a single race, community or faith,
every community lost its people through death,
But Africa had the worst experience of all the cases,
absence of statics cannot make this sham claim,
Jews must stop lies and make genuine claims,
Jewish Holocaust is a misnomer for war event,
we all suffered and agonized in equal measure
why again formulate lies to justify avarice.

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