Dark Room Poem by Anne Unknown

Dark Room

Rating: 5.0

My life is like a dark room,
For I do not see the light,
My pupils are wide though the light is on,
I feel alone almost always,
I feel alone even when others are near,
Only so often do I feel free of the darkness,
But who will save me when I am stuck in the dark room?
Who will be my savior?
Who will I show gratitude for as long as I may live?
I am still not sure if that person truly exists.

My life is like a dark room,
Thus I cannot find the lock,
I am held captive in the darkness,
Time does not excist for me,
It feels like I am falling,
falling in a bliss,
Whom will catch me when it feels like I am lost forever?
Who has the key to the lock?
Is it thou?
Arst thy my savior?
Who ever it is,
Rescue me, if you please.

Afzal Shauq 08 October 2009

Who will catch me when it feels like I am lost forever? Whom has the key to the lock? Is it thou? a very sweet poem indeed..liked it very much and its quite impressive and done in good way..well done 10/10

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Anne Unknown

Anne Unknown

Den Helder, Netherlands
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