Customer Delight Poem by Bridgid Patrick

Customer Delight

Rating: 4.9

Good morning! Thanks for calling us!
We're pleased to hear from you!
Your call's important to us
So we've placed you in a queue.

Please find your account number and
Be sure it is correct..
It's twenty digits long and if you
Mis-type, I'll reject.

I'll lead you through the whole routine
Please use your touch type phone.
Press eight and follow with the hash
After you hear the tone.

If you are a new client here..
Press two, ..if old, press three.
Press four in case we've done something
With which you disagree!

You have pressed four, please wait a moment
While I transfer you..
And please enjoy, while we play you
A symphony or two!

Our staff are all too busy now
To talk to such as you
Your call is so important that
We've placed you in a queue.'

Time passes and the music lingers
On, and bye and bye..
My cheek and ear go fast asleep,
My wrist gets R.S.I.

But wait! It may be there is hope!
I hear a ringing sound,
At last a human voice is heard
After the runaround!

'Good morning, this is Ladies wear
And may we help somehow?
Complaints? .. Oh! Just hang on a tick
I'll transfer you right now! ...'

'Good morning! Thanks for calling us!
We're pleased to hear from you!
Your call's important to us
So we've placed you in a queue.'

Rusty Daily 06 February 2006

Everyone has had these calls and you have nailed it perfectly. Rusty

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Mary Nagy 06 February 2006

This is great! Unfortunately we've probably all been there! This was really funny Bridgid. Love the humor! Sincerely, Mary

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Poetry Hound 06 February 2006

Very funny and appropriately snide. Yes indeed, these answering systems are so frustrating. I never seem to fit into one of their predetermined call categories. But gosh, it's so considerate of them to play music while I'm steaming - music always sound so good coming over phone lines.

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Hugh Cobb 06 February 2006

Another excellent piece of light verse, Brigid. We all can identify and share this experience. An excellent poem. Warmly, Hugh

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Sylvia Spencer 03 March 2006

Bridgid this is absolutly brilliant, I am the worlds worst for getting caught in a phone quaue/ This poem answers everthing. cheers Sylvie

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Graham Jones 20 February 2006

Bridgid, I loved this one as many can associate with this type of thing, you are going from strength to strength with your poetry, keep up the good work. Regards Graham.

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Scarborough Gypsy 19 February 2006

This is very good. Enjoyed it alot. Love Gyp's PS 'and bye and bye' shouldn't that be 'and by and by'? ? ? ? Or am I wrong on that?

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Scarlett Treat 18 February 2006

If this were not so true, it would be laugh-out-loud funny. I loved the come full circle feel that you managed to send, right back where you started! Love it and am sending it to myself.

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Tan Pratonix 08 February 2006

Exquisite. Wonderful wit. Great understanding. Keep up the good work. Sincerely, Tan

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