By The Way Of The Dinosaurs Poem by Michael Walkerjohn

By The Way Of The Dinosaurs

exhibits its
inherent traits
overtly dressed in
excuse, inactions, and
self-hate; exposing as the case
to make, that this species existence
has proved both the universal joke it is, and
clearly is that universally grave mistake…
If cosmic design is ever shown to be, of chaos
chance, and or perhaps divinity; what will the
proof need to exceed; the oversimplified answers
to all that has come to ‘mean’ humanity…
(see anthroposophy)
As I see it; “mean”, is the operative term
that clearly defines the base and despairing
nature of this so called ‘humane’ creation, this
mix of ambiguous and abstract conscience, an
unconscious benign species capable only of
eating, spitting, shiteing, and killing; itself!
Yes, humanity is an it! Despicably rending
it’s own flesh, surrendering to the beastiality
the banality, the finality, of its limited cranial
capacity, succumbing to the most boastful
the most hate filled, the most deplorable
consciousness of “me, myself, and I”…
Bowing down to the most debasing
of “ISMS”; that being ‘consumerism’
having depleted the Earth of all
goodwill, all neighborliness, all
excellence in favour of remaining a
species at war with itself and lowering
the universal concept of sentient life
to that of an Ebola virus cell!
Butt, what do you care
the holidays are again here
the household bills still
appear and the price
of a pound of butter
is now six dollars!
Butt whoa!
The price of gas is
sure lower than a year ago!
So, you each continue to suck air
and blow hard; keeping your faces
to the ground, suppressing your
thoughts in those frozen frowns
you wear for thinking that you
do not have enough of whatever…
Humanity; “butt for the grace of god”
remains to be that ‘botched abortion’
that ‘schizophrenic emission’ of nothing
butt sewer gas… that shite stain on an
otherwise “perfect universe”, and you
each use this ‘term’ as an excuse for
your condemnable condition!
Religion! Unjustifiably a construct
in the already low self-esteem of the
“human facultative issue”; which is
‘sanity’ insanely forgotten and ‘love’
left fallow and rotting… What a load
of low-browed sots you all are!
Why cannot you each wake up
as three year olds and just once
all together, “wish upon a star!
Business, busyness, baselessly
compressing US; debasing US
commanding US, to do as such
the things business requires of the
each of US… so that business becomes
the “neo-world religion”, the uniting
engine, the substantive organization
that just may bind all of humanity
together and lead US to the decision
that “war” is no longer a given…
Hold on to that thought; for it
is just an illusion! Confusing?
The thought that “business”
and not “religion” will make vanish
all the derision, the ethnic schisms, the
frantic decisions of leaders and politicians
the magnitude of your indecisions towards having
a Worldwide communal and common action that
will allow humanity to survive all the chaotic
destruction it has caused on this Earth…
and beyond?
a theater
for lunatics
dividing the all
of this; creating heretics
misfits, give-a-shites, and masses
and masses of hypocrites… enough of this!
Who wrote this script? Do you all feel
similarly nondescript to consider
this an obviousness that our
world cannot survive much
more of this?
What has become
of it? Is this system, this
sector, this swill whole of resources
that endearing, or is it just all fluff?
Is it a contrived and conniving circle
jerk inducing those of US who would
rather not physically work to an insipid
lifetime of petty competition for currency
towards a career path of insecurity, towards a
conscience of worry and a collective consciousness
of hurry and scurry and a flurry of following rather
than leading? How the flesh bleeds for a differing
scene, an alternative scheme, a lasting theme
for all humans being! Are you feeling what IAM
saying in these words you are reading?
Are the thoughts generated guiding, or
are these misleading; do you greet with
elation your current mindset’s debating
of what exactly it is humanity is missing?
Or, are you even more doubt filled and
fearful that your lifestyle will soon be ending?
After all, “nothing lasts forever”, or is this quote
mere conjecture as you are most certain that
the “cage” you are interned in will protect you
from all of the many “ISMS” that you’ve chosen
to champion? Deridingly justifiable, totally
reliable, absolutely undeniably identifiable
as that which will allow you to continue through
to the approaching ‘natural’ ends of your lifetimes?
If so, how very sure and smug of you… And it is
this smugness that will be the ends of you…
For the entire universe is so very tired of you
and your senselessness, your rabid nastiness, your
carelessness, your incomprehensible thoughtlessness
therefore, it is conceivably justifiable that it is time
for the each and every one of you to go
by the way of the dinosaurs…

Saturday, November 21, 2015
Topic(s) of this poem: disappointment,human condition,justice,realization,sigh
subtitled (Justifiable)
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