Breakups Poem by David DeSantis


Rating: 3.4

We wake up slowly,
shaded by romance.
She looks like a film,
that I am lucky to attend.

I look at her softly
my hands warm her touch.
And like a masseuse without training
I trace her neck line crest.

Her eyes catch mine for a moment
And in them I hear acceptance.
Two of a kind
Or one and one
We make a pair together.

Nothing new or special,
Or out of the ordinary.
And I'm sure I forgot the moment
As quickly as it came.

To wake up slowly,
Next to beauty
Is now much harder
To forget.

Copyright (c) David DeSantis

Tuesday, October 7, 2008
Topic(s) of this poem: break up
Lynda Robson 07 October 2008

Some things stay in our memories, an excellent poem David, well woven, thanks *10* Lynda xx

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Marilyn Lott 07 October 2008

A beautiful romantic setting laced with sweet thoughts. Very nice! A '10! ' from me as well. Best Wishes, Marilyn

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Ency Bearis 07 October 2008

a nice reflection of those sweet things and still linger after breakup..nicely narrated/write..A 10 4 this... Ency Bearis

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Tia Maria 07 October 2008

So wonderfully written - that's a ten for sure...

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Shimon Weinroth 07 October 2008

well done ' parting is such sweet sorrows' Romeo and Juliet

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Elizabeth Sheaffer 02 June 2009

Wow... Your expression of your innermost feelings is amazing. Most people could not put emotion to words in the way you have done here.

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Original Unknown Girl 13 March 2009

So beautiful, wistful and full of the sentiments of your heart. Love it. HG: -) xx

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Asia Joseph 07 January 2009

Woe real sweet and gentle its as if i'm there! ! ! !

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Rebel Heart 09 November 2008

The gentle, reflective tone captures the poignant beauty of this lost love...a detailed and delicately penned poem in which the words are clearly weighted with a sense of inevitable regret. j x

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Kesav Easwaran 12 October 2008

The last stanza lines break the reader, once a flowering spring, now a raining winter, wet in these soaring lines...poignant write, David 10

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