Before I Knew The World Poem by Alfred Barna

Before I Knew The World

Before I knew of the world
The world knew all about me
Before I grew into the world
The world grew all about me
The world knew I liked the sun
And all about it, it made me run
The world knew I liked the rain
Stomping puddles, streaming down the pane
How the world knew I liked to laugh
Preferring to reside upon the better half

Now I know the world
It seems a little darker in the night
Now I know the world
There are times it doesn't seem quite right
I see all these people and I think
Doesn't the world know; we stare over the brink?
A fresh breeze to fill up their soul
Has the world lost control?
Or perhaps we don't know the world as well
As the world knew us, before we broke the spell

So many people unhappy and so sad
So many sick and going mad
What if we treated the world like we were young?
As if the world and we were really one
She cries out now, waiting for you to hear
Waiting for you to care
She's getting angry, because you won't listen
There's a message, but you just keep on missing
As much as I am a man, the earth is my lover
When we work together there is much to discover
If I mistreat her, then she will run from my every touch
If I think I exult over her, then desert sands I shall clutch
For then she will become barren and dry
In other places floods when she must cry
Yet if I embrace her and nestle gently her earth
She shall rejoice and bring forth, new birth

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