Art Quantity Quality Lures Poem by Terence George Craddock

Art Quantity Quality Lures

Rating: 5.0

defining continuous giving
by value of creative necessity,
that which urge chosen decisions
compulsion desire contentment,
happiness sadness dectates is done!

is creative continuous giving
of artists like Michelangelo
Picasso, apex of specific art
forms, but compulsive creation
disorder, manifested at talent
artistic height vibration rates?

art cumulative effect measures
residue productivity produced
or quality merit artistic attained?

output is a flux variable relative
to intensity dominance possibilities
field time influence factor ratios!

gift given is shared gifted not sold!
if productivity is sustained continuously
without material gain gifted freely,
then art as economically sustainability
product is dependent upon commitment plus,
minimum survival depth livelihood costs!

quality is internalized personalized
justified styles taste tones preferred!
productivity momentum continuous giving
sustained has nothing to do with quality!
art is personality specific to viewer eyes!

artist is brushstroke work fermented
mind wine seasoned spice interesting?
are you aware of ingredient defined quality?
teasing tags hooks in twist work produced?
you must be aware of crop quality inherent
in bountiful mind fruits you're trace giving?

what palette word meals are you serving?
do you put thumb through pies as taste test?
is meat in mix savoured vegtables diced
thin flavoured served cold or heat baited?
is every single day new dishes to be served?

artist do you refrain from ego tide
evaluating own work ebb flows?
is joy in racing wind running tide?
an inner inability to impartially evaluate
our own work or is it refusal to fence
in myriads of ideas close possibility gate!

posting is self-dialogue target boundaries?
quality expression will inflame minds hit
nerves echo soul need explanation seeking!
visualization puzzle pieces pattern arranging
is human quest for life meaning understanding!

significant art slap dash grit styles are hooks
embedded foul hooked spot sport audiences
lures artistic created bait caught feel line tests
emotional value people affix tide time seals

fleet survey seriously read affix easy hard values
artistic work brushstroke read shape compositions
written are emotionally different things viewers
perceive internalized character tastes quality access
artist critic tastes swim in current sea differences

Copyright © Terence George Craddock.
Complete version of the split images 'Continuous Artistic Giving Is? ', 'Michelangelo Picasso Art Output Defined? ', 'Art Cumulative Measures? ', 'Art Gift Given Shared Not Sold! ', 'Art Personality Specific To Viewer Eyes', 'Art Seasoned Mind Song Sung', 'Poking Thumb Through Pies Taste Test', 'Artist Ego Tide Ebb Flows', 'Soul Need Explanation Seeking', 'Art Hooks Bait Tide Time Seals' and 'Artistic Work Brushstroke Read' by Terence George Craddock.
Written in August 2014 on the 10&11.8.2014.
Savita Tyagi 10 August 2014

Art is personality specific to viewer eyes! So true. Also true: words of poetry reflect poet's personality. Enjoyed this highly skilled presentation.

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