Angst Poem by jerry hughes


I wish I'd have done the things
I should have, when I should have.
Looking back, we're told we shouldn't -
I could have done better - been kinder -
talked less - listened more - shared more.

But life is a learning process.
Aren't we all students?
I wonder what my marks will be at the end?

Matt Johnston 24 September 2008

This touches my soul, truly, a brilliant examination done with simplicity.

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, aryaindia 13 October 2008

You would certainly have scored very high as you have already realized in this life what you should or ought to have done. Very neatly and nicely presented poem. arya

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Kay Vitter 18 November 2008

As the saying goes: an unexamined life is not worth living… of course this can cause much angst. A nice poem.

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Goran Gustafsson 11 December 2008

At every crossroad there is a choice to be learnt from. I think I have som poems you would like read.

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Sandra Martyres 23 July 2009

A very thought provoking piece Jerry, if only we all keep our final score cards in mind the 'should have, could have, would have routine' would have long ceased to worry us...Great write

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Shania K. Younce 16 March 2014

Were all students I agree. We never stop learning. We learn something every day. I like to think that no one has ever seen it or know it all. Until the day they die, because that is the life they've lived. A really fine poem. Bien!

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Jerry Hughes 01 June 2012

...thank you Valsa, for your much appreciated comment

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Valsa George 01 June 2012

It's a simple but highly thought provoking piece! A perennial angst to know how others rate us will certainly ward us off many an evil

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Chris Jibero 13 November 2010

A lesson for all.Life is an eternal school for man.But it is never late until it is over.

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Sally Plumb Plumb 09 July 2010

This piece of writing is food for thought.

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jerry hughes

jerry hughes

a citizen of the world
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