An Explication Of My Faith And Its Rewards (For His Good To Shine Through Both Of Us) Poem by Maurice Harris

An Explication Of My Faith And Its Rewards (For His Good To Shine Through Both Of Us)

You have always asked me to explain MY Faith, and I would IF I could;
Beloved, I believe Heavenly Father is demonstrating now, it is FOR His Good
To shine through BOTH of us, as two of His Most Beloved Children, acting as one-
His Work for us, and for each one of us as individuals, is not done
Until He says it is-obviously, He believes it has only just now begun
To blossom into the Wonder that He has in store for us-He has surely spun
A Marvelous Wonder in the last few weeks, and He has only just started
To Teach us of our combined Wonder and Glory-He alone has imparted
To us, the path that we are now on, and the Story we tell will only become
More Glorious still, with each passing day-Surely He is more than gleesome
At the alterations He has Made both in, and for, both of us-and in us, together;
He has Shone upon us, the Resplendent Beacon that shall light our way forever,
Until we meet Him again in His Heavenly Kingdom, as His Favored Consortium-
Where we shall blithely Dwell as an Eternal Couplet, millenium after millenium!

Maurice Harris

Maurice Harris

Louisville, KY
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