An Addict's Dream Poem by Indranil Bhaduri

An Addict's Dream

Rating: 4.9

It was midnight hours as he laid,
Listening to the clock which just struck twelve,
Rolling over the dirty floor
With ever intense pain,
Bitten by the poisonous sting of darkness!
Life had almost come to a standstill
With loneliness unbound
And his solitary soul cribbed,
Searching for a different path
To hastily turn around.
Hopes and dreams had drowned into oblivion,
Happiness, gleeful expressions departed
As he sensed, himself gradually sinking
Into the deadly venom of the dying earth.
A dark shadow appeared nearby
And he felt the devil moan and cry
Aloud with the news of slow destruction
Of eternal Love and deepest passion,
The trampling of the saplings,
The bloodshed and the anarchy
And the advent of the end of this world!
A small ray of light appeared from nowhere
With the message of rising hope
Amongst the tremors of deadly earthquake
Devastating all around,
Amidst the wild cries of hell's messengers,
As he prayed in soft whispers,
His quivering dry lips uttered
The blissful chants,
Longing for a new day of life…

Copyright © 2012 Indranil Bhaduri

Unwritten Soul 17 October 2012

Theatrical poetic scenery carved by did an excellent job portray such realistic images in your poem_Soul

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Aung Si 19 October 2012

There is beauty in your lines, and it comes from within.Enjoyed it.

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Ray Quesada 17 October 2012

I'm sure many poets can relate to addiction...the despair and loss of hope...well done portrayal my friend. you write powerfully, your phrases can pierce the minds of the readers. again, great job here!

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Asif Andalib 17 October 2012

Almost no one cares about what an addict thinks or dreams but you do. Well done. I like it

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Villiamor Calventas 19 October 2012

te message is clar even in the addicting on of life's dream hope is asill a hope. a poem with great ideas

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Patricia Grantham 25 July 2013

An Addict in the death throws of his addiction and unable to break away from this mighty power. Whenever just an inkling of light appears out of the overwhelming darkness then such a one reaches for the light. Then pulls oneself out from under. An excellent write of overcoming!

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Tanveer Sharma 16 November 2012

you're so creative in ideas. thanks for sharing poetry in complete depth.

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Jahan Zeb 09 November 2012

This is a serious poem with sense for some. You do well in selecting words for your message. Whenever you try to write about pain your words have the power to reveal it. Well done Indranil. I loved it

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Amanda Laurent 08 November 2012

Incredibly beautiful in its darkness! Amazing depth.

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Karen Sinclair 06 November 2012

There is nothing simple in this piece, it is beautifully compassionate, with a grand use of language... a touching piece.....tyvm karen

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