All My Past Life... Poem by Lord John Wilmot

All My Past Life...

Rating: 3.3

All my past life is mine no more,
The flying hours are gone,
Like transitory dreams given o'er,
Whose images are kept in store
By memory alone.

What ever is to come is not,
How can it then be mine?
The present moment's all my lot,
And that as fast as it is got,
Phyllis, is wholly thine.

Then talk not of inconstancy,
False hearts, and broken vows,
Ii, by miracle, can be,
This live-long minute true to thee,
'Tis all that heaven allows.

* Sunprincess * 21 January 2016

.all my past life is are mine no more, all the flying hours are gone Like transitory dreams given o'er, Whose images are kept in store By memory alone ★ exceptional write....time is like a dream

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Charity Nduhiu 25 August 2015

Such an inspiring poem. I like.

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Claire Coppin 09 June 2005

The last line is the title of a Douglas Sirk film, which was remade recently as 'Far from Heaven'. The author is portrayed by Johny Depp in the film 'The Libertine', unreleased as of this writing, but there is talk of Oscar fro Depp.

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Lord John Wilmot

Lord John Wilmot

Oxfordshire / England
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