Alhabib Ali Algifry Poem by nadia abduljabbar

Alhabib Ali Algifry

No ‘Alem’ or religious lecturer
Or scholar,
After al she’rawi, except
Alhabib Ali Algefry
Could capture my mind,
No one could make my brain
Bow with respect but him,
With all the difference
Between the field of study
Of the two men,
It can be said their words are like
A light house
To lost ships.

So what if Alhabib Ali did nod
Shook his head, or even
Danced with some steps
In a circle with friends
Out of enchantment after
Listening to a song about
The prophet,
So what?
So what if he divorced
A wife and married
Another one.

So what if he has some
Personal problems with
Women or men so what?
God will light his way to
Solve personal problems
As he lights people’s way
About Islam.
So what if he has a little touch
Of a cunningness in his stare,
To protect himself,
So what? !

Is not he a normal being?
Who can be sad and can be happy?
Did not the prophet companions
Had problems with their wives every now and then?
Did not prophet Mohammad
Himself divorced a wife before wedding?
Did not he, peace be upon him,
Want to divorce ‘Sawdah’,
But She gave her night to Eishah
So That she can be his wife in Paradise.

What happened to Muslims
To Insult people who educate Them?
Why when you say I like so and so
Alem’s logic, everybody jump to poison your
Thoughts about him.

If you are not convinced by a sheikh,
Or religious lecturer
Say so, but do not insult;
I do not like tribal educator,
Especially those who insist
That it is compulsory for
A woman to cover her face,
But I do not insult them,
Nor I follow their simple human
Mistakes to enlarge them,

‘Alems’ have the right to have
Different political or personal
View on life,
Who are we to confine them,
Or oppress them to follow
One line or channel in life,

Alems’ fleshes are poisoned
So it is said,
So beware you who
Enjoys humiliating them.

14 April 2013

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