Alankar (Decor)-24 Poem by Indira Renganathan

Alankar (Decor)-24

The elements of the Sijo are:

syllabic verse, although the phrase, not the syllable is the rhythm of the line.
Total syllable count can vary from 44 to 46.

written in 3 units,
introduction to situation or problem,
development of situation (turn) ,
c. strong conclusion (twist)

written in any number of3 or 6 line stanzas. (usually translations are written in 6 lines)
an interplay of the sound, rhythm and meaning is the core of the sijo.

written with any subject is permissible. It can be frank, humorous, and often satirical.
may use puns, metaphor and other figurative or rhetorical tools.

usually introduces an emphatic division in the last line in the form of a counter theme,
paradox, resolution, judgment, command or exclamation shifting the poem to subjectivity.

when written in tercets, the 3 lines are made up of of
L1 & L2 written with 4 syllabic phrases (3-4,3-4.)14 syllables.
There is a minor pause at the end of the 2nd phrase and major pause at the end of the line.
L3 written in 4 syllabic phrase (3-6,4-3)16 syllables

(when written in sixains, the 6 lines are made up of of:
L1 -L4 written in 2 syllabic phrases (3-4)7 syllables,
with a pause at the end of each line.
L5 written in 2 syllabic phrases (3-6)9 syllables
L6 written in 2 syllabic phrases (4-3)7 syllables.)

1 The Wedded

Holy fire, blazing mantras, holy thread, knotting moment
Excitement, anxiety, sacred knot, new life sets in
Tug of war, couple play'he or she', life moves on fast, lessons learnt

2 Sale

Fallen fruit, missing stolen, thrown tasted, found dead afar
Putrid heart, noted by some, shouting some'dead sale, dead sale'
Repulsive, sale's at last at dead end.Of no more stink, girls to learn

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