About Love I Had Been Very Naive Poem by Gert Strydom

About Love I Had Been Very Naive

About love I had been very naive, believed like Visser,
tried to keep my life for you
as if it comes from the Creator’s hand from above,

saved my life for ten years for you
and I was prepared to suffer through it,
tried to keep my life for you

waited in my best years to have you,
time passed as if I was dreaming
and I was prepared to suffer through it,

and I tried to hold to integrity and was devout,
waited on you and you were far off,
time passed as if I was dreaming

while I believed that the same star was leading us
saw signs, things in your smallest gesture,
waited on you and you were far off

and now after twenty years we are standing in front of each other.
About love I had been very naive, believed like Visser
saw signs, things in your smallest gesture,
as if it comes from the Creator’s hand from above.

(Reference: from Euheu fugaces by A.G. Visser.

“maar eenmaal in die lewe kom
die liefde weergaloos;
en eenmaal in die gaarde blom
volmaak ‘n wonderroos.”

My English translation:

“but once in life comes
love without equal;
and once in the garden is flowering
perfectly a wondrous rose.”)

Gert Strydom

Gert Strydom

Johannesburg, South Africa
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