'' A Young Life Being Destroyed '' Poem by Bri Mar

'' A Young Life Being Destroyed ''

Rating: 2.7

There is a scandal in this sick world,
That makes the majority of us feel so reviled,
If there's a crime as heinous as murder,
It's the sexual abuse of a child.

It's been around for thousands of years,
But some have looked the other way,
The men in dark suits have hidden the truth,
While the victims do not have a say.

They've been beaten, abused and tortured,
By people who are nothing but beasts,
But these scum do not wear labels,
They can even be nuns and priests.

If they took time to read their scriptures,
These predators would know full well,
There will be no entry to Heaven for them,
For an eternity it's confinement in Hell.

There are some who work in nurseries,
They're even in our schools,
These predators are all around us,
But they don't live by our rules.

The type of work they're engaged in,
From suspicion they are exempt,
They gain the confidence of children,
Then treat them with total contempt.

They're the very people we turn to,
When we're in our hour of need,
But beware there is evil among them,
On your childhood innocence they'll feed.

They're the ones we are taught to believe in,
What reason would we have not to trust,
Something you would never contemplate is,
Their thoughts towards you could turn to lust.

When it's found out what they've been doing,
Rather than have them exposed,
They sweep it under the carpet,
It's better this subject's kept closed.

Those we trusted to look after us,
They were meant to show us affection,
While we've been sentenced for the rest of our lives,
They'll be given a lifetimes protection.

The abusers are rarely brought to book,
Their hierarchy cover their tracks,
They'll assure you it's being dealt with,
But it's the truth this statement lacks.

Who makes this momentous decision,
When they know of the harm that's been done,
It's not just mental it's physical as well,
There are times we wish we had a gun.

Before you say you can't seek revenge,
That is not the Lords way,
We'd use that gun to kill ourselves,
When abused we did not have a say.

The abusers are quietly moved away,
While the victims are left on their own,
These scumbags think we will just forget,
Our contempt can and will be outgrown.

The problem with this stupid notion,
Is to whom is it actually directed,
It's certainly not to the victims,
For their lifetime they will be affected.

Anyone found guilty of this barbaric crime,
Should immediately forfeit their life,
To know these Devils are still on this Earth,
Only causes the victims more strife.

The do good brigade need to be told,
You are playing a dangerous game,
By supporting this evil stalking our streets,
You must shoulder just as much blame.

While we are forced to get on with our lives,
With a feeling of total despair,
Your false ideals just increase our pain,
They show us just how much you care.

You've been telling lies for years now,
By saying we can all rest assured,
When will you fantasists realise,
Child abusers don't want to be cured.

What would you do if it happened to you,
If it was your child would you still be so keen,
The fact is none of you have got any clue,
By your actions it's their casualties you demean.

So let me tell you a real home truth,
You leave the victims feeling devoid,
For there's nothing on Earth can compensate for,

‘' A Young Life Being Destroyed ‘'

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