A Man Without His Five Senses Poem by MOHAMMAD SKATI

A Man Without His Five Senses

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God gave us five pretty senses To feel life around us wonderfully, but Some people intentionally disabled these pretty five senses For a reason or for many reasons Simply because they chose to be on the wrong way Anytime, anywhere, and everywhere, God gave us eyes to all of us without any exceptions, but Some people are unable to see the right things, He gave all of us ears to hear what's going around us, but Some intentionally do not want to where what's going on around, He gave all of us good mouths to praise Him and to say the best in Life, but some ignored that they even have pretty mouths, He gave us the sense of smelling things to know what is good from what Is not good, but some insist on smelling bad odors, and He gave the pretty sense of touching, but Some used their sense of touching for other purposes, When someone chooses the best, It means he has a good choice, but When someone chooses the worst, then It means that is his choice too, It's what you choose in life becomes applied To you the whole of your life, For some not to see, not to hear, not to feel, not to taste, and To smell is a catastrophe at anytime because it means That someone is existing only in his body among us while His soul has gone away.

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