A Jet Ring Sent Poem by John Donne

A Jet Ring Sent

Rating: 2.8

Thou art not so black as my heart,
Nor half so brittle as her heart, thou art ;
What would'st thou say ? shall both our properties by thee be spoke,
—Nothing more endless, nothing sooner broke?

Marriage rings are not of this stuff ;
Oh, why should ought less precious, or less tough
Figure our loves ? except in thy name thou have bid it say,
'—I'm cheap, and nought but fashion ; fling me away.'

Yet stay with me since thou art come,
Circle this finger's top, which didst her thumb ;
Be justly proud, and gladly safe, that thou dost dwell with me ;
She that, O ! broke her faith, would soon break thee.

* Sunprincess * 19 November 2013

love thrown away... as easily as throwing away the ring... nicely written...

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Bernard F. Asuncion 19 December 2016

It reminds me of the song TILL DEATH DO US PART popularized by WHITE LION...... Nice poem.....

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Tom Allport 19 December 2016

love's endless saga and some other things are just as precious?

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Brian Jani 22 June 2014

Marriages are meant to be forever, nice poem here

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The Supreme Being Forgives no-one that sins against him, or his animals...nor anyone that has caused or tried to cause damage to him...or the world he made...tis for each to repent and make reparation for what they have done, and to pay recompense when and where necessary....

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Rajnish Manga 19 December 2016

A very heart touching commentary on the fragile and unpredictable man-woman relationships. shall both our properties by thee be spoke, Marriage rings are not of this stuff;

1 1 Reply
Seamus O Brian 19 December 2016

Such a poignant contemplation, a ring returned, symbol of broken love. How he relates the emotion of his heart to us through this brief conversation with a token piece of returned jewelry is brilliant.

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Ellias Anderson Jr. 19 December 2016

Donn's poetry is brilliant, as the founder of the metaphysical school he's really awesome

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Edward Kofi Louis 19 December 2016

Dwell with me. Thanks for sharing this poem with us.

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John Donne

John Donne

London, England
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