A Grief Ago (West Mountain Train-Lines) Poem by Pierre Rausch

A Grief Ago (West Mountain Train-Lines)

That leaps nitric shape
So cross my eyes in your shack
Oh, water-lamed, roughed,
Crocus mending, staying up at the stocks
So cross my eye with your shape
and close my hand with your eye
She who was I, who is who I told
Oh, master, through a three-mast sail we grew
Through a three mast sail we sailed up
Housed in the sides.
Her ropes heritage
The ball on the point
Through a three-mast sail,
She lies a water
Through a three mast sail, she rode the throne
Brand of anger on ring
Wrenched fingers, to the leaden boy
(the wars, on the leaden field)
She then who shape whelps with the wolverine
She who was I, who is who I told
That she I have, that she I have
Let me inhale, draw in my perfume

Oh, master, through a three-mast sail we got old
Oh, water-lamed, Oh master,
Crocus mending, staying up at the stacks
She who was I, who is who I told
Wrenched fingers, to the leaden boy
She who was I, who is who I told
Housed in the tide.
The ball of water on the point
Through a three-mast sail, we sailed up
Through a three mast sail, we sailed to the lune
She lies a chapter; she rode the throne
Lies brand of anger on our rings,
Her ropes full heritage, on cherub wind
(the wars, on field and land)
(Three triangles,
wind (on field and land) :
cherub as single chant
She then who is I who is father on centaur
The dens of lion shape
She then who is the people who drive
She then who shape whelps with the wolverine
|: That she I have, that she I have: |

Nitric shape that leaps, for h
our and acid
Let me inhale, draw in my perfume
So cross my hand with your eyes
And close my eyes with your eyes
So cross my hand with your eyes
And close my eyes with your eyes

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