A Grandpa's Wish Poem by B.J. Ayers

A Grandpa's Wish

Rating: 3.0

Dear God I wish,
For help from Thee,
For one last wish,
It‘s not just for me.

An old man on a journey,
For that you know,
Please bear with me;
You know. I am slow.

I have tried to be solid,
But often been brittle
I have asked you for much,
But I have given you little.

The life you gave,
The intelligence you share
To improve this world,
Because you care.

For generations now
And generations past.
Success has been slow,
And failures fast.

I look at the grand children
So innocent and small
Realizing their world
Is the responsibility of all.

The wars, the crime,
The drugs, the hate,
Things that need not be
On their futures plate.

A Grandpa who wishes
Each and every day
For grandkids of the world
And their futures we pray

A future that shines bright
With no crime, wars, or hate
So Grandpa’s of the world
Need not worry for grandkids fate

The sun will shine bright
And bestow a gleam to their eye
If we all work together
Sharing a piece of the pie.

Regardless of politics or country,
Or religions they find,
Their future will be bright,
As they find peace of mind.

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