21 Ways Americans Can Lose Weight Poem by O Anna Niemus

21 Ways Americans Can Lose Weight

Rating: 4.5

Help every being out of
the hell
of excess weight:
a confining pumpkin shell.

Help every overweight
human, pig or cat
to be released from the hell
of excess fat


21 Reasons American children fat
12 Solutions

Why were American children the world's fattest while our trees are skinny?
But the tide is turning. Americans
are beginning to lose weight despite:

1. The dairy lobby is federally subsidized..1/4 billion annually.. to promote
milk designed to make a calf into a 1000 pound animal in a few months.
This food was not designed for human beings.

The Swiss owned Nestle's conglomerate promotes
cows' milk for human babies in Africa, the US, and elsewhere
to both lactose intolerant people and the overweight.
2. Zoloft, Paxil, Prozac and other
tv advertised and heavily marketed
antidepressants cause long term
weight gain. Those
not taking prescription drugs are subjected to
these compounds which contaminate the water supply from the urine of those programmed to take the drugs.
Tranquilizers like valium,
antiinflammatories like prednisone and antiseizure medications
also cause long term obesity.

3. The food advertised is high animal protein and animal fat
food.. which isocaloric studies by Mervyn Hardinge MD (while at Harvard
before he like Mad Cow discoverer Prusiner left that institution because
of its meat investments)
indicate will make a nonvegetarian
23 lbs. heavier than a vegan after
3 months given the same number of daily calories.
http: //www.pcrm.org
Conversely, the Atkins and other
high animal protein diets cause
a sudden weight loss. Then
participants reach a plateau and
cannot lose further weight. Atkins
died weighing around 260 pounds
after a cerebral stroke which
caused his fall.
4. parents who allow a lifestyle
of tv and internet without exercise
sunlight and fresh air
5. some school systems still have
Coke, Pepsi and other high sugar
colas in vending machines

6. USDA dominated school lunch programs promote
trash animal products, with little
in the way of fresh fruits and vegetables.

7. The WIC program (Women Infant
Children of the animal agribusiness
dominated USDA) is another dairy subsidy
giving the poor obesity engendering
dairy products.

8. Convenience stores and gas stations sell junk cola, potato and corn
chips, candy bars, cows' milk and no fruit and vegetables.

9. Small farmers and their markets are forced out of business by
chain stores with the help of the USDA.
10. The Food Network, The Rachael Ray
Show, and other
tv shows for their multi tirllion dollar
meat fish and dairy agribusiness
clients promote cooking with
carcinogenic, stroke engendering
high fat foods. Rachael Ray would
throw bacon on icecream if she
could as she shills for NY butchers.

The Swedish dairy lobby of Minnesota
and Wisconsin, represented by
the Diebold installed Senator Coleman as
well as Feingold and Kohl and with the constant ads of Minnesota
'Public' Radio
promotes a racist disregard for the
natural milk intolerance of Africans,
Asians and other cultures. In addition, a Vermont tv stations has
a weekly ice cream promotion show, despite the correlation of
hormone containing icecream to prostate, uterine, cervical, and
breast cancer.

12. Despite objections from the
European Union, American agribusiness
has forced its way in giving
female hormones and water retainers
to animals, with the dosage upped
before slaughter. These hormones
and water retention chemicals
continue to act in humans, causing
weight gain and planting cancer
13, Decadent gorging on the murdered
causes waste, obesity, animal agony,
and in some cases choking

14. Alcohol is fattening and causes
teen and other deaths, cirrhosis
of the liver, busted families,
domestic battering etc. yet Coors,
funder of the warpromoting Heritage
Foundation, also advertises alcohol
on radio
as early as 11 am on weekdays
15. The cultures in which people
absorb the most sunlight tend
to be the most slender. The energy
of the sun replaces the inferior
energy of food. It comes in numberless
frequencies, each body taking
what he or she likes. Americans do
not stay in the sun as much as many
other cultures.
In addition Americans adopted the
English fatmaking breakfast, high
in meat and dairy, not the
French breakfast. France has
a low average weight.
Americans are subjected to more food ads than any other people.. Fast
food ads have accounted for over 100 billion in advertising revenue.
A Canadian study reports that tv watchers eat more than non tv watchers.

18. We may be addicted to coffee,
but it is for many an appetite
Corporations, grocery chains,
and a very
strong restaurant association
have saturated many foods with
gratuitous fattening and toxic
animal products.
Farmers' associations,4H clubs, Oscar Mayer
program children. School curricula are sometimes created
by the dairy lobby. School lunches are animal product laden.
20. Judge Holwell and other
unelected judges have sided
with the fast food industry
in rulings on calorie postings,
liability of fast food chains for fat etc
21. A liver filled with poisonous molecules such
as insecticide, preservative, hormone and other residues
is less able to burn fat.


1. exercise more
2. eat fewer calories (a journey
of a 1000 miles begins with
a single abstention from biting)
3. eat more fruits and vegetables
(vegans weigh 23 lbs less than
nonvegetarians and 11 lbs
less than vegetarians after 3 months
in isocaloric studies) www.pcrm.org
4. eat more uncooked food (more fiber
... more food eliminated)
5. when faced with a mental stimulus
to eat...
some go out and walk
6 others repeat their favorite one of
the infinite names of God
7. still others believe the illusion
of hunger is thirst.. and drink
much water
http: //www.watercure2.org/
8. Salt retains water in the body,
adding to weight. Lemon juice
dressings are one salt substitute.
9. Caffein stimulates the appetite
10. Shop when not hungry.
11. keep a log of what is eaten
and the estimated calories
12. Community is necessary.
Overeaters often isolate themselves.

1. Alcohol and cigarette ads have been banned on tv. Animal flesh
and products cause more deaths annually than tobacco, alcohol, war,
traffic deaths combined. It's time to ban tv, radio, and billboard advertising
of meat, dairy and fish which cause cancer, heart disease, stroke,
food poisoning, kidney dysfunction, arthritis etc.
2. Count calories. Set a daily limit. Keep a log of calories eaten.
3. Be informed about the greedy pharmaceutical, germ ridden hospital,
and multitrillion dollar animal agribusiness connections of the CDC
which through Atlanta's prosecutor persecutor Boring has
crucified a vegan couple while ignoring the millions of deaths
annually from animal products.


1. American agribusiness allow
carcinogenic female hormones made
by Merck and other companies to
be given to cows and other animals.
The European Union banned these
hormones because of their known
cancer causing properties, as the
US government long ago banned
diethylstilbestrol. However multitrillion
dollar animal abusers took the EU
to the WTO, a servant of moneyed
interests, which ruled against
people's health.
2. Dairy products cause a mucus
lining of the respiratory tract, creating
colds, flu, etc.
3. Salmonella, brucellosis are 2
of thousands of diseases from animal
4. Food poisoning: 97% of all
food poisoning fatalities are animal
product related, reported Knight

Why are our trees skinny?
The regime dominated Forest Service
has caused the logging in some
places 3! times of the people's trees.


Cows' milk is worst for the animals,
humans and earth. Soymilk is
better but is still a factor in
deforestation. Almond milk, coconut
milk etc. are best for animals, humans,


See! This one I liked. Interesting Actually. 'cept I could slim the entire poem into 2 sentences: 1) PEOPLE in general are fat because they have the food available, 2) PEOPLE in general get fat because they have no self control 8

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Scott Austin 19 June 2008

Very informational write you have pieced together, thank you for sharing your thoughts with us. May peace and joy fill your heart each and everyday. Scott

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Loyd C Taylor Sr 16 June 2008

WOW, what a read, lots of information, loved the little poem. Loyd

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