Khairul Ahsan Poems

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Ponytail Fascination

I didn't see her face,
Or figure,
Just saw a flash of her hair
From the back.

Drifted Away...

I wanted to give her a sky,
She opted for just pieces of cloud,
Some patches of soft, white cloud,
In the azure sky. When given, she hid

Things Of Beauty

Just some extra flesh, on a shapely mold,
Tips either fluffy, or like a chick's beak,
Catechu color or brownish, on wheatish gold,
Defying gravity, defiantly, so to speak!

Of Birds And Men

Love-smitten, while I was gazing blankly
At the distant, fading horizon, suddenly
My eyes fell on a pair of birds who seemed,
Smitten like me, by the signals they beamed.

Poetic Stagnation

A poet's thoughts are like a flowing river,
It has its own currents and under currents.
As long as the river flows, so does life all around.
Once it stops flowing, everything stagnates with it.

Across The Continents

Two birds lived continents apart,
Both in the last quarter of their lives.
When one flew out from its nest at dawn,
The other returned home just the same time,

A Touch

A touch conveys many messages,
It can indicate many promises.
A touch can arouse carnal desire,
It can enkindle physical fire!

The Path That We Took

A narrow path it was,
Gravel strewn,
Lay quietly without any passer by.
A loose chain was hanging

Her Nails

She was sitting there, watching a show,
Talking to her peers, laughing and joking.
She was tall and slim, gracefully dressed,
Her beauty enhanced, by her fashion sense.

Ocean Of Love

Your heart must be an ocean of love,
Otherwise, how can it appreciate,
Even the smallest of the courtesies,
And return it drenched with love?

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